Page 9 - SeniorsToday May20
P. 9
Workers desperate to reach their homes are taking every available means of transport
Hopeless future
What happens when people lose hope? circumstances. It’s like living in a
After such a long and horrible journey beautiful house and suddenly there’s an
home, is life fair to them? What kind of earthquake and everything falls to the
life will they have once they have reached ground, everything is ruined, all hopes,
home? Would there be any employment aspiration and dreams have been turned
opportunities? They lived on the fringe into dust.
in the city and tried to create a life for What hope do they have of rebuilding
themselves. The calamity of walking their life? Could they ever recover from
back, the darkness that will embrace this trauma? What happens when youth
them shattering a million dreams. They lose hope? Will we have people looting/
came to the city in the first place to create robbing on the streets? This long walk is
a new life for themselves; wanting to the worst thing that could have happened
send their children to angrezi medium to a large population and yet no one is
schools, clothes from Fashion Street, feeling sad about it. Give a twist to Eva
the big occasion of their child’s birthday Peróns famous line, “Don’t cry for me
celebration at McDonald’s. Now will they dear India, the truth is I never loved
ever have enough money to save for a you.”
future that doesn’t exist? At an unemployment rate of 26% at
At this point, they look into a hopeless the GDP of -2% (source: Centre for
future. The question is, what kind of a Monitoring Indian Economy), India
life will they have once they have gone today is a 72-year-old patient inching
home? How will they stop feeling sorry towards systematic organ failure.
for themselves? All kinds of problems Welcome to the biggest roadshow of the
will come up in the most challenging world, India 2020.