Page 11 - SeniorsToday May20
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about hoping for the best and more about entering and discarding on the way out.
preparing for the worst. And what if you aren’t able to ensure that
Everything that we discuss in the section your help stays in your housing complex/
below will come under an umbrella cover / house?
general disclaimer: it is a risk. Everything If the help refuses to stay back or if due to
is a risk. Staying at home and getting your your personal reason, then the best choice
groceries delivered by someone from outside you have is, you divide the chores amongst
also poses the same threat as going out and the family members and do them yourselves.
getting your groceries yourself. It is a choice My family has been doing it for the past
that you make. But it is still a risk, either way. month-and-a-half and we can keep at it until
we come up with a suitable solution to the
Maids, Cooks, House help: problem.
So can they get back to work as soon as the
lockdown is eased? As far as them coming Drivers, Car cleaners and Shared rides:
back to work is concerned, you can ask if you have a personal driver, if they are
them if they or any member of their family consenting and willing to stay back, they can
have been ill lately. You can even check their stay with you in an accommodation, if you
temperature, but they will be going and can provide for one, thus reducing the risk of
coming everyday and you don’t know who contact from outside. If not, you could finally
they’ve been in contact with, so a logical take the car for which you worked so hard
solution to this problem is: if the maid agrees and long, for a drive yourself.
to it, a locality or society can pitch in to keep To get your car cleaned, try taking it to an
the maid in an accommodation within the automatic car wash to avoid any human
premise of the society. That way, they can contact. Since it is hard to come across
help you with your work and you would car washing belts in India, get down and
know that they haven’t been out. dirty every Sunday and clean your vehicle
yourself. If you can’t rely on others to do
things for you out of fear of contracting the
virus, you’ve got to take matters into your
own hands, quite literally.
If your domestic helper is unable to come to work, you
have to tackle the cleaning
Or if you live in an independent house or
bungalow, and have a back exit, your maid
can enter and leave from the same. You can
keep a pair of gloves, a hand sanitiser and
a face mask out for her/him to use before You will probably have to take over washing your car
yourself, if no automatic car wash is available nearby