Page 21 - Seniors Toady - September Issue 2020
P. 21

carvings is just beyond words. The statutes
         of a dancing Shiva and Goddess Parvati
         have different hues of Him being angry and
         smiling – and changes with different light

         Seaside Delights
         After being suitably stunned and humbled
         we drove onto Mahabalipuram, a beautiful
         sleepy seaside town. Most resorts here have
         “private” beaches and so it is just a few steps
         to the ocean. We were at the stunning Grand
         Bay Resort. The sunrise is what I had heard
         so much about, and so I headed early in the
         morning to the beach and was certainly
         not disappointed. It was good to see a few
         surfing enthusiasts who rise early up with
         their surf boards. With the shore temple in
         its backdrop it was a stunning picture.
         This fisherfolk village here has a history
         going back to the 4th century and you have         Gateway to Kamakshi Amma Temple
         monuments dating back to that time. The            a hidden gem – of Gingee Fort, a 9th-century
         famous places to visit are the Panch Rathas,       outpost, very surprising for this part of the
         the Arjuna’s Penance, and the Butter Ball.         world. Unfortunately by then the sun was
         However it is the bas-relief carving on two        beating relentlessly and with the rest of the
         monoliths which has the most recognisable          day already planned, we skipped walking up
         structure of the “Descent of Ganges”. It is        the 600 odd steps and continued onwards.
         pure joy to see the beautiful and intricate        Tiruvannamalai is famous for the Ramanna
         carving in such magnitude.                         Ashram and the mighty Arunachaleshwar
                                                            Temple. It is said that the devout Shiva
         Hidden Gem                                         devotee who wishes to go to Sabrimala first
         From Mahabalipuram we left early for a             has to pay respects at this temple before
         two-and-a-half-hour drive for the temple           going there. Ramanna Ashram is so peaceful
         town of Tiruvannamalai and enroute found           and quiet that it invites you to continue
                                                            staying there. Although we did not do the 14
                                                            kms perimeter walk of the sacred mountain,
                                                            there were many people going about it with
                                                            great devotion. On the outskirts of the town
                                                            we stopped for a meal at the only good hotel,
                                                            The Sparsa.
                                                             Finally we drove onto the French Indian
                                                            township of Pondicherry. The first thing
         Butter Ball Mahabalipuram                          which struck me was the wide open roads

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