Page 17 - Seniors Toady - September Issue 2020
P. 17
its exterior walls in stark blue and yellow. I
had last bought a CD from that shop in early
2016, post a mandatory fortnightly visit
to the museum and Jehangir Art Gallery.
The business of the House collapsed due to
technology, but its Rhythm stays on in our
mind space. I do hope that the venerable
chief of Mahindra Group (which sponsored
and started the Blues Jazz music festival over Will the next step be a smartphone that reads your
a decade ago at Bandra Mehboob Studios) thoughts and converts them to text?
walks his talk of reinventing Rhythm House bulky table top computers and screens have
and making it a cultural hub. Hopefully, given way to sleeker and cheaper laptops.
it will make a compelling offer to the Technology will soon even make these
enforcement directorate which is auctioning laptops pliable and foldable and rollable for
off the properties of the finagling Nirav ease of carrying. Smartphones have made
Mody (he had bought it off the Curmally its ubiquity and utility all pervasive and
family to have his flagship store before he got wfh (work from home) or wfa (work from
discovered). anywhere) a dream rather than a nightmare.
Single screen theatres to multi screens to
The writing bug Cable to DTH to OTTS may soon give way
There is so much to write about how to projections on the surfaces of our choice
technology has inexorably ‘dado’ed so many with a single device, demolishing brick and
things that form a part of our cherished mortar and cables and televisions et al. The
memories. The beauty of a fountain pen list is endless really - from every aspect of
and filling it up with ink or suctioning our lives.
ink with its plunger are inalienable part I wish I had written this article with my
of our memories, schools and growing fountain pen on a piece of paper and edited
up. I remember having so many pens - a and finalise (I still have many of my old
Hero (Chinese made) a Pelikan, a Pilot, a fountain pens, besides the Mont Blancs and
Waterman and so many others. I used to Namikis of the world), but the fact is that
clean them every week and keep them in I just cannot - I have become too adoptive
working condition. Ah, the joy of writing and adaptive to technology - and therein lies
with a fountain pen is something out of the the contradiction between the wistfulness
world. I had a decent handwriting - more and the virtuality. It will not be long before
print than cursive - and used to enjoy technology enables me to project my
writing regularly just for the fun of it. Ball thoughts on to my cellphone screen and I
point pens put paid to all of that joy. And don’t even have to type in anything. If that
computers and laptops and cell phones happens, and I guess it will, technology will
killed not just the joy of writing, but the the be able to read our minds too soon. We may
more important ability to write. And with then have a utopian technology, but likely a
it, the ability to hold something steadily in dystopian society. Therein lies the thrill and
our hands - the prehensile capacities have danger of the inexorable technology leaps
reduced to arthritic levels in many cases. The and rides.