Page 26 - Seniors Toady - September Issue 2020
P. 26

know that life in the time of coronavirus is       the best advertisers did not portray the
         increasingly a life lived online which has         correct way of wearing masks, as in this
         led to an acceleration of digital adoption and     ICICI Lombard ad where the man in the
         e-commerce. Time spent with certain media          commercial seems to be wearing his mask
         channels has increased during lockdown, so         ‘Indian style’ on his neck instead of covering
         we are adapting to these changes, shifting to      his nose and mouth.
         a greater focus on in-home channels versus
          As Mr Braams says, the change in
         consumer behaviour has been the biggest
         challenge for advertisers. For example, we
         may have given up the handshake forever.
         Suddenly safety, that was once considered
         a basic need in Maslow’s famous needs
         pyramid, has become top-of-mind and a
         primary benefit that advertisers can offer.         Some brands tried to be helpful to
         Others have depended on reassuring                 consumers, empathising with their
         consumers and helping them out of the              condition during the lockdown. For example,
         depression caused by the pandemic.                 one major impact on our lives was the
                                                            closure of the salons which led Anand
                                                            Mahindra to show his admiration for
                                                            barbers on Twitter.

                                                             Sunsilk, one of the country’s longest
                                                            standing brands, tried to innovate by
                                                            focusing on the work-from-home culture.
                                                            No haircuts meant that most women were
                                                            struggling with their hairstyles, so their
                                                            commercial focused on the most sensible
                                                            hairstyles to use during the lockdown.

         Safety measures
         Post-pandemic advertising seems to have
         taken up the role of including mask-wearing,
         sanitising and social distancing to keep in
         line with the times. But sometimes even

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