Page 16 - Seniors Toady - September Issue 2020
P. 16
dedicated fax line. The visiting cards of those
days used to have the telephone, the fax and
the telex numbers as necessary information.
Several brands like Ricoh, Canon, ICIM etc.
used to proliferate those days. Like most
others, fax machines too have been webbed
out by technology.
Musically yours
Working as I was in the Fort Heritage
The pleasure of listening to music on vinyl records is precincts, I used to amble down to Kala
making a comeback in select circles
Ghoda (the eponymous black statue of the
gradually given way to calling and patching royalty on horse was imposing, before it was
in people into a group call over a cell phone relegated out of sight to the grounds of the
with numbers getting easily accessed from zoo in Byculla). One of the must-visits was
the contact list or the net. I had retained a set Rhythm House which used to sell music
of the voluminous telephone directories for records (or vinyls) - English, Hindi, Marathi,
quite a many years before giving them away Tamil et al. They used to have lovely cubicles
to the raddiwala - who well could have been or listening rooms where you could play the
purveyors of consumer data in the past, that records and hear the music in solitude and
is so easily sold today by the FANGs and the with headphones before deciding to buy - the
likes where we socialise virtually today. Curmally family (promoters) were ahead of
the times in experiential marketing, if I were
Get the fax right to observe. It was a delight to scour, select
My first foray into the corporate world and hear the the various duration and mixes
in early 1980s exposed me to telex and of music on LP (long play) and EP (extended
teleprinters and fax machines. Our company, play) vinyls with RPMs (rotation per minute)
a multinational pharmaceutical company, speeds of 33 & 1/3, 45 and 78. They all used
was housed in a heritage building in the to come in cardboard sleeves with clear
heritage precincts of Ballard Pier. Business descriptions and list of the music. HMV was
reporting to overseas used to be done via a famous brand of record players and vinyls
telex for the top-line views and the detailed those days. Many may remember its iconic
ones through snail mail. When the fax logo of a dog listening to the record being
machines came in mid-1980s, given the played (today it has morphed into Saregama,
high costs initially and the long lead time to if I am not mistaken). Overtime technology
procure phone lines, the canny ones opened developed and purveyed music in the form
shops to facilitate faxing facility by charging of cassettes (does anyone remember using
per page (used to be Rs 12 to 15 per page) a pencil to untangle or tighten the cassette
and we used to send our office help over to spool?) to CDs to iPods to YouTube to the
these shops to fax the business information smartphones and along with it perished
running into several pages and analyses. memories and landmarks like the Rhythm
Overtime, the prices levelled and almost House. The building stands at Kala Ghoda
every company had a fax machine and the even today and it is a melancholic joy to see