Page 34 - Seniors Toady - September Issue 2020
P. 34
The dreaded
Urinary incontinence can often be
cured and controlled with some
discipline and drill,
writes Dr A R Vanitha Senthil
Urinary incontinence is when a person For many people with urinary
leaks urine by accident. It is a common incontinence, the following exercises and
problem among the elderly, and estimated lifestyle changes are enough to relieve
to affect 25 per cent of the community. symptoms.
Structural changes in the ageing bladder
and urethra may predispose the elderly to Pelvic floor exercises
the development of urinary incontinence. Pelvic floor exercises, also known as Kegel
Involuntary leakage of urine can get exercises, help strengthen the urinary
troublesome and embarrassing. sphincter and pelvic floor muscles. They are
Many people think that urinary easy and can be done anytime, anywhere.
incontinence is an unavoidable part of Squeeze the muscles that you use to stop
ageing. No, that’s not true. Older adults your urine flow. Make sure to focus on only
need not be distressed about lack of self- your pelvic muscles. Now pretend your
control. Urinary incontinence can often be vagina is a lift and you are going upwards.
cured and controlled with some discipline Be careful not to squeeze the muscles of the
and drill. Regular pelvic floor exercises and leg, buttock or abdomen instead.
bladder training can bring about significant Hold for at least four seconds. The more
improvement and urinary control. often you do this, the “higher” you can go.
Try holding for up to 10 seconds.
Types of urinary incontinence Slowly exhale through your mouth and
• Stress incontinence gradually release the hold. Repeat 10–20
• Urge incontinence/ Overactive bladder times in a row at least three times a day.
• Overflow incontinence You can test your pelvic floor muscles
• Mixed incontinence with a simple stop–start test. When using
• Functional incontinence the bathroom, begin to urinate and cut off
• Reflex incontinence the flow by contracting the muscles. If you