Page 30 - Seniors Toady - September Issue 2020
P. 30
Nine ways
to good
Good nutrition is essential in a healthy lifestyle. Nutritionist Manisha Mehta
suggests nine trendy diets for seniors
Often the word “diet” rings an alarm bell, all the food you enjoy. A good diet plan can
but there is no reason for dread. It does not satisfy your taste buds, make you feel fuller,
mean food restriction or starvation. To gain and fuel your body. It’s a practical approach
the most out of a diet, one needs to keep in to food consumption that meets your
mind the five parameters I strongly believe essential nutrition requirements. Ageing
in – nutritious food, proper hydration, brings along various kinds of nutrition
quality sleep, regular exercise and a relaxed deficiencies and health conditions. Hence
mind. Your lifestyle has a great impact on a good dietary habit will have a significant
your health. So, a diet combined with a role in maintaining health and boosting
good lifestyle will gain you all the potential longevity.
benefits you are looking for. Here are nine trendy diets that will help you
A diet need not be a bland one that excludes get healthier and satisfy your taste buds too.
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
(DASH) is a diet designed for people
with blood pressure. This is a portion-
specific diet to maintain your daily calorie
requirement depending upon your age,
health conditions and activity level. It
comprises of grains, vegetables, fruits,
low-fat dairy, lean meat or fish, nuts, seeds,
legumes and a serving of fats and oil.
Health benefits of this lifestyle diet include
weight management, better heart health and
lowered risk of type two diabetes.