Page 29 - Seniors Toady - September Issue 2020
P. 29
Lifestyle changes: You do not have time to your body’s requirements and need is a
for yourself any more. The hour you spent gradual process – don’t rush it, or yourself.
at the gym after work is now spent taking Stay hydrated: Humans are home-plants
care of the groceries list or getting ready for with just more complex feelings. And
a party later. Certain stressors in life can it is easy to confuse the feeling of thirst
also add those kilos; it can be a stressful with that of hunger. So keep yourself well
situation you are dealing at home or the hydrated – WITH WATER – do not replace
stress of not staying in shape itself. it with substitutes like carbonated, sugary
drinks or kombuchas; we’re trying to cut
What can you do you avoid the kilos? down our calories, remember?
Eat better: Increase your fruit and Do not stress: Relax. Many of us are guilty
vegetable intake. Decrease your sugar, of stress eating. Meditate for 15 minutes in
processed food and junk food consumption. the morning and go from there. Do some
Eat whole foods which are high-volume yoga, or some breathing exercises to keep
foods like beans, nuts, and vegetables and you centred. Exercise, too.
fruits that will fill you up and which also Move around more: Nothing too complex,
have a high fibre content. Whole foods take just a little jog or a brisk walk. Don’t sit too
up more room in your tummy while not long, keep moving around. Stay as active
contributing significantly to your daily as you can.
intake of calories. Sleep well: Get a good night’s sleep. If
Downsize your portions: Now that you are you do not go to bed on time, you wake up
not running around as much, you could exhausted, will be inactive during the day
do with 200-300 fewer calories in your and will burn fewer calories as a result of
basket. Trim down, don’t cut!! Adjusting that.