Page 28 - Seniors Today October 2020
P. 28
Exercise and
bowel health
Find yourself reaching for the
laxative? There are exercises
which can help tackle bowel issues,
explains Dr A R Vanitha Senthil
You can do these exercises while sitting anywhere
as tightly as you can, as if you’re really apart. Slowly tighten and pull up the
It has been estimated that nearly 40 percent adults are partially cause by inactivity. They worried that you are about to leak. You sphincter muscles as tightly as you can
of the elderly get affected by age-related can be eased and alleviated with exercise. should be able to feel the muscles to move. for at least 5 seconds and relax for 4
gastrointestinal health problems each year, Exercises can strengthen the rectal muscles Your buttocks, tummy and legs should not seconds. Repeat for 5 times. This is for the
resulting in frequent instances of bowel which may help with bowel control in people move at all. strengthening of muscles.
disorders and discomfort. who have an incompetent rectal sphincter. You should be aware of the skin around Next, pull the muscles up to about ½ of
As people get into their 60s and 70s, Like any muscles in the body, the more you the back passage tightening and being their maximum squeeze. See how long you
one of the most common things they use and exercise them, the stronger the pulled up away from your chair. Really try can hold this for and relax for about 10
experience is change in bowel habits. They sphincter muscles will be. to feel this. You are now exercising your seconds. Repeat twice. This will work for
could have difficult, painful or irregular There are specific exercises that focus on anal sphincter. The important point to be endurance of muscles.
bowel movements. Or there could be bowel the anal sphincter muscle.Practising these noted is you need not hold up yourbreath Pull up the muscles as quick and tight
obstruction or faecal incontinence. exercises on a regular basis can improve when you tighten you’re muscles. as possible, then relax and pull up again.
control over bowel function and reduce Now imagine that the sphincter muscle Continue till you get tired. Repeat until you
Bowel disorders could manifest themselves as- episodes of leakage and soiling. is a lift. When you squeeze as tightly as get tired.This will work on the reaction of
Constipation – when bowel movements possible, your lift goes up to the 4th floor. the muscles.
become less frequent or stools become Sphincter muscle exercises - I But you cannot hold it there for very long, If you find that the muscles “let go” too
difficult to pass or there is incomplete Sit comfortably with your knees slightly and it will not get you safely to the toilet quickly and that you cannot hold for a
evacuation of stool. apart. as it will get tired very quickly. So now count of 5, just hold them as long as you
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) – a Now imagine that you are trying to stop squeeze more gently, take your lift only up can. Use this as your base line. Try not to -
fairly common disorderthat is signalled by yourself passing wind from the bowel. To do to the 2nd floor. Squeeze your buttocks together
abdominal pain, cramping diarrhoea, gas, this you must squeeze the muscles around Bring your knees together
bloating, constipation. the back passage. Sphincter muscle exercises - II Hold your breath
Many bowel movement problems in elderly Try squeezing and lifting that muscle Sit, stand or lie with your knees slightly Lift your shoulders, eyebrows or toes