Page 15 - seniors today november 2020
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platform where you can participate from the        V Muralidharan –
         comfort of your home and enjoy the musical                              A management
         process with so many other senior singers                              consultant from Chennai,
         drawn from all over India. Participate in one                          V Muralidharan grew up
         of the most exciting programmes for senior                             with music and it is close
         singers.”                                                              to his heart. He plays the
                                                            keyboard, mouth organ and a bit of flute. He
         Uday Suryavanshi –                                 likes to tune into music by Mukesh, Manna Dey
                            Music has been his              and Kishore Kumar.
                            passion since he was             “A fantabulous seven weeks of singing our
                            10 years old. Uday              hearts out. For me the experience was too good,
                            Suryavanshi is from             my fellow contestants were so passionate about
                            Kolhapur. He believes           music that I felt good throughout. I urge all the
         that music is the way to life and he wishes        seniors to come participant and experience
         to sing till his last breath. Kishore Kumar is     Seniors Have Talent.”
         his all-time favourite singer and he enjoys
         retro music. A big cricket fan, he finds joy in    Gurinder M Singh –
         TV debates and loves watching shows like                                 A passionate
         Indian Idol and the Kapil Sharma Show.                                 businessman from
          “An excellent contest and a great platform                            Mumbai, Gurinder
         to showcase your talent as a senior singer                             Mohan Singh has been
         across the world. I believe singing is a                               singing since he was
         passion that one can pursue till their last        young. He enjoys listening to evergreen Hindi
         breath so sing along because age is just a         songs and finds joy in performing when he is
         number after all”                                  with his close friends and family.
                                                             “A brilliant initiative by Seniors Today to
         Anita De Rakshit –                                 bring joy among the seniors. Over the past 6-7
                              A former banker from          weeks I have enjoyed this musical journey not
                              Jamshedpur, Anitaji is        only as a participant but also as a listener to the
                              an avid traveller and         melodious voices of fellow senior singers. I urge
                              has her own channel on        all the seniors out there who are passionate
                              YouTube. She is trained       about music to participate in the forthcoming
         in Rabindra Sangeet and likes to tune into         season”
         music by Hemant Kumar, Kishore Kumar
         and Geeta Dutt.                                    Dr Ananth Prabhu Kumble –
          “A magical musical journey and a                                    A general surgeon from
         wonderful learning experience. Seniors                               Mangaluru who has a
         Have Talent is not only the platform to sing                         talent of singing in different
         but also a platform to learn new aspects                             voices, Dr Ananth Prabhu
         of technology that brings us together. So,                           Kumble always wanted
         participate and experience one of the most         to learn the tabla while growing up and has a
         positive and encouraging platform for              keen interest in acting, in fact he has even acted
         seniors.”                                          in a movie. He likes to tune into old melodies of

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #17 | NOVEMBER 2020                                                           15
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