Page 18 - seniors today november 2020
P. 18

together most hours of the day. It is very rare    and developing meaningful conversations. He
         for our family to see our grandparents apart.      is also a passionate shopper and when he goes
         They ride to the office and back together          on his trips, he always brings us back titbits –
         trying to spend every minute with each other,      from jewellery to clothes to shoes to bags!
         discussing business plans, family and the           However, every great story has a grim lining.
         latest prank to play on me. Even in parties        In 2012, we had a very unfortunate incident
         and weddings, they are seen together sticking      where Ma had an ischemic stroke, which
         by each other’s sides.                             shook all of us, but especially Dadu. Before
          Dadu (as I call my grandfather) is Ma’s           her stroke, she used to supervise all the
         biggest and happiest supporter. He plays           administrative work in the office. However,
         the perfect balancing act by always being          things changed and slowed down after the
         involved in the kitchen and whipping up new        stroke and without a flinch, Dadu took over
         recipes for the family. Like Ma (as I call my      and supported her with work and took an
         grandmother), he always works hard not only        active interest in her work departments.
         in the office but also in the house. Ma was
         very involved in our business and later in the
         Gujarat Chamber of Commerce (as the first
         woman president) and I have witnessed Dadu
         being her biggest fan all the way through. At
         the same time, Ma is also dependent on Dadu
         and always asks for his opinions and listens
         to him. Both of them are so supportive of and
         in sync with each other that I have rarely, if
         ever, seen them fight. Fun bickering though, is
         a whole different ballgame!
          Even though Dadu and Ma had extremely
         hectic social and work schedules when I
         was growing up, they always held a special
         place in their heart for family, especially us
         grandkids. I have distinct memories from
         my childhood, where the grandkids (all four
         of us!) would sleepover at my grandparents’
         house almost every weekend. They used to
         tell us stories, play games with us. They had
         made an extra-large bed in their living room
         for all of us kids to watch television and sleep
          Speaking of Dadu, his hospitality and
         charm is something that leading hotels can
         aspire for. A meal with him is apt for a young
         playful child, as well as the most insightful
         philosophers of the world – he can cater to
         any audience while contributing useful ideas      Mrugesh and Paru Jaykrishna now

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