Page 31 - seniors today november 2020
P. 31

Gratitude represents our ability to see            There is no “right way to do” a global
         miracles beyond materialism. It is one of the      pandemic and nothing matters more than
         most transformative states of being - shifting     one’s mental health. While society urges us
         perspective from lack to abundance. “It            to use the quarantine to be more productive,
         makes the mundane memorable”. It turns a           everyone copes in different ways. Some of
         meal into a feast, a stranger into a friend, and   us need space and time to process the global
         the messiness of life into blessings.              trauma we’re facing, without feeling like
          When I see the misery and pain inflicted          we’re failing. Many people don’t have the
         by this dreaded virus, I am thankful for           luxury of ample free time. They are juggling,
         my privileges, and, remind myself to be            multiple roles - being impromptu cooks,
         grateful every moment of my life. I can stay       counsellors, home school teachers, and
         comfortably at home with a kitchen stocked         business owners, sometimes working long
         with food, reading, working, creating,             hours at jobs - all at once, while trying to
         and talking to my loved ones. I feel a deep        keep their sanity intact. We’re living through
         sense of gratitude to the unsung heroes in         a paradigm shift in our culture, mourning
         the world, the doctors, nurses, caregivers,        the loss of thousands of lives, as well as the
         construction workers, delivery drivers,            society we were all accustomed to.It has
         rubbish collectors, police officers, farmers       taught me to practice patience, forgiveness
         and first responders, who take risks for           and compassion and to set aside judgment
         everyone else; to local shopsthat stay well        and negativity.
         stocked and go out of their way to help
         their customers, while big supermarkets            Deeper questions
         struggle. If there is only one thing that I        Spirituality is all about gaining mastery
         can do, it is to be a support - especially to      over one’s desires so that they don’t take us
         our most vulnerable - abandoned pets,              on a tangent and make us do inappropriate
         migrant workers in dire need of sustenance,        things. Spirituality allows us to move past
         orphaned children…. Altruistic behavior            superficiality, to ask deeper questions about
         ripples through networks. A network can            life’s purpose and meaning and the truth
         spread a virus -- but it can also spread           about existence, “fearlessly peering into the
         happiness, help, gratitude and optimism.           mysterious nature of life.” This has been a
                                                            time of introspection; we have transformed
                                                            this imposed pause into a reset of sorts.
                                                            This cultural stillness has given a unique
                                                            opportunity to see ourselves a little more
                                                            clearly, in a ‘mindful solitude’.
                                                            The Gita teaches how to attain tranquility
                                                            by showing us ways to navigate life, guided
                                                            by universal values and develop a mind
                                                            that operates from a problem-solving mode,
                                                            free of self-created projections. One then
                                                            experiences joy and grace, which changes,
                                                            and heals our world and us. Using, prayer,
                                                            chanting and meditation, I inch closer to that

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #17 | NOVEMBER 2020                                                           31
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