Page 26 - seniors today november 2020
P. 26
in the enemy position at Singhajhuli. This
deception paid good dividends as all the
enemy aircraft diverted their attack on their
troops at Singhajhuli.
Again at about 2.45pm the same day, three
more Pakistani aircraft roared in and were
having a free run, when suddenly, four
Indian Gnat aircrafts from No 22 Squadron
The men of 14 Punjab were undaunted even when a
charging Chaffee closed in at 25 yards based in Kalaikunda appeared in the sky. In
steadfastly stuck to their defences giving a the first aerial combat between the two sides
determined fight. since the 1965 War, all three enemy aircraft
By this time, Pakistani 6 Punjab, which were shot down in the ensuing dog-fight.
had been moving south, closed in through Two of the Pakistani pilots, Flying Officers
the woods on Garibpur and attacked the Khalil Ahmed and Parvez Mehdi Qureshi,
Battalion Headquarters area from the West. ejected safely but were captured. The troops
Under Capt (later Brig) MPS Bajwa, the on the ground had an uninterrupted view
Adjutant, the Battalion Headquarters and of this air battle, which gave the Battalion a
Signal Platoon personnel in depth, engaged tremendous fillip. Once more the diminutive
the enemy effectively. This assault was Indian Gnats flown by the IAF pilots had
broken up by the use of very close artillery established mastery over the Sabre jets. The
support DF (SOS). result was that since the interception of the
By about 8.30am the enemy momentum three Sabres over Garibpur, the PAF stopped
of assault petered out and it was clear sending fighter-bombers to support own
that Nabha Akal with its affiliated units troops.
had carried the day. The winter sun, now
up through the rising fog, revealed large Chivalry and Honour of Both Sides
number of enemy casualties, which included Interestingly, Khalil Ahmed’s elder brother
10 of enemy’s tanks destroyed and three Aziz Ahmed was later one of Pakistan’s
abandoned in good condition. most popular High Commissioners to India.
Parvez Qureshi, a Sword of Honour at the
The Air Battle PAF Air Force Academy, later on became the
Around 9.25am on November 22, 1971, four Chief of Air Staff of the Pakistan Air Force
enemy Sabre aircraft suddenly appeared in 1997. Don Lazarus (then a Flying Officer),
and started strafing the battalion defences. who had shot him down in 1971, sent him
One of our PT-76 tanks tried to engage the a congratulatory letter to which Qureshi
enemy aircraft flying low with its machine kindly replied and complimented Lazarus
gun. This tank was rocketed by all the for the ‘fight’ shown by IAF pilots that day.
aircraft and destroyed, while the crew was Gp Capt Lazarus, who later happened to be
seriously injured along with some troops our Instructor in the prestigious Defence
on the ground. The second time, at about Services Staff College at Wellington, still
2pm the same day, enemy’s three aircraft preserves this letter. It speaks volumes of
roared in freely when Maj Kailash Nath, the soldiering, chivalry and honour on both
Battery Commander, got a smoke shot fired sides!