Page 27 - seniors today november 2020
P. 27

were killed and wounded, and six enemy
                                                            Prisoners of War were apprehended. A
                                                            large quantity of arms, ammunition and
                                                            equipment was captured which included
                                                            Chinese made automatic weapons and
                                                             One of these Pakistani Chaffee tanks
                                                            captured in running condition by14 Punjab
                                                            occupies a place of pride in the Punjab
                                                            Regimental Centre at Ramgarh Cantonment,
                                                            Jharkhand today.
         The monument commemorating the martyrs, at the road
         junction leading to Garibpur
                                                            Honours and Awards
         Importance of the Battle of Garibpur               The Battle of Garibpur brought a total of
         The Battle of Garibpur had many national           40 well-deserved gallantry awards to the
         and international repercussions and led            battalion, its affiliated troops and the IAF.
         to interesting results on both sides. Gen          While Lt Col RK Singh was awarded the
         Yahya Khan declared a National Emergency           MVC, the unit earned another MVC (Sub
         in Pakistan and complained to the UN               Malkiat Singh) posthumously, two VrCs
         Secretary General, U Thant, about India            (Capt GS Gill and Hav Lekh Raj) and two
         violating the UN Charter.                          Sena Medals (Capt Balbir Singh and L Nk
          The unique battle of one Battalion Group          Sewa Singh). The attached troops won
         defeating a Brigade attack supported by            one MVC (Maj DS Narang) posthumously,
         armour and PAF will go down in the annals          two VrCs (Nb Risaldar RP Singh, 45 Cav
         of warfare as a classic example. On the            and Capt RP Chaturvedi) and one Sena
         tactical level, the battle forced the Pakistanis   Medal (Maj Kailash Nath). The three IAF
         to vacate Chaugacha without a fight. Later         Gnat pilots (Flt Lts RA Massey and MA
         when the war was fully joined in early             Ganapathy, and Fg Offr D Lazarus) who shot
         December, this resulted in own 9 Infantry          down the Sabre jets were awarded a VrC
         Division to close up almost halfway upto           each.
         Jessore, which was its initial objective.
         Own losses including the affiliated units          Ordering of Commission
         were 28 killed and 42 wounded, while four          After the War, Pakistan ordered a
         PT-76 tanks were destroyed. During the tank        Commission under Chief Justice Hamoodur
         battle, Maj NS Narang got killed while Capt        Rahman on the defeat of the Pakistani Army
         RP Chaturvedi was seriously injured while          during the 1971 Confict. An extract of the
         directing artillery shoots on the enemy.           report mentioned that Brig Mohammad
         Thirteen Chaffee tanks were neutralised            Hayat, former Commander 107 Brigade, 9
         which included three captured in running           Infantry Division, East Pakistan be tried for
         condition. Practically the whole of the            by court martial for not formulating a sound
         enemy’s squadron was annihilated. Three            plan for the defence of the Jessore fortress
         enemy aircraft were lost in the air battle         and failing to properly plan and command
         while 300 soldiers, including three officers       the brigade counter-attack at Garibpur.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #17 | NOVEMBER 2020                                                           27
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