Page 3 - Seniors Today December 2020
P. 3
Publisher’s Note
Life after Covid-19
Being stuck in hospital all by myself for eight waiting for the clock to strike twelve. It is about
days was a traumatic experience. A much new dreams, new activities that can contribute
younger cousin of mine who is a doctor at the to each other’s happiness and enhance the senior
same hospital said that it is a good time to think experience. Unfortunately, happiness cannot
of the next phase of your life. be bought, it has to be planned for and then
Covid-19 has now made us aware that death lived. Looking beyond oneself is not easy but
could happen to anyone at any time. This was achievable. We need to turn to the relationships
always the case, but now one is more aware of – ie, the friends and family we have grown with,
the comorbidities and other symptoms, since shared our lives with. People who care for us
many have lost their close friends, relatives… deeply. Ageing knows the way – we just need to
Many of us in the 60-plus age group are now trust and tend it with love and faith.
focused on being healthy and have taken the diet Many seniors vaguely wish for a new role
and a health regime a lot more seriously. Ageing in the world and our own inhibitions prevent
and staying connected is another issue that is us from finding a new way. This is where the
also in focus. modern age gurus sell us happiness, wisdom,
The lockdown has made us aware that it is ways and means of taking life forward. Do they
important to have relationships that make us really connect us to the reality of ourselves?
feel attached and now we are devising ways The path that we are missing is right here, right
to make them thrive. Never underestimate the now. We need to review our life, find the values
power of being nice. Being nice to your spouse, and relationships that have always been ours.
to your kids and friends, respecting each other’s Understanding to let go gracefully of looks,
opinions and acknowledging mistakes. Overall abilities and even independence. Finding a path
reaffirming the desire to improve the future. that is true and right for you, an intuitive sense
The lockdown has tested relationships to a of meaning, purpose of life and death.
breakpoint. Suddenly the sixty-plus generation All this wisdom is from staying alone for eight
is now discovering opportunities to get days and feeling miserable.
motivated and excited about creating new goals
and processes to remain happy, connected and
The ageing theory of the past is gone; no Vickram Sethi
60-year-old is willing to sit in a rocking chair Publisher and Editor-in-Chief