Page 8 - Seniors Today December 2020
P. 8
Yet another reality tells me that while it’s
important to stay alive, it’s also a good time to
plan your final moments. I hope my children
wouldn’t put me on a ventilator and allow
me to go peacefully. If unfortunately, I did
get dementia I would not want to be given
antibiotics or any life extending treatment. A
little sign on the door saying “nil by mouth”
would help shut the body down in 3-4 days.
It’s strange now that I think about it that
Despite scientific advances, doctors still can’t give us a corona seems to have grounded everybody
“use-by date”
into a reality that death could be imminent
these favours that connects me to God. and it is now a subject that requires your
We also carry a lot of grudges, mostly immediate attention. Somehow death didn’t
against people who we believe have wronged seem to rattle me, I thought it would be as
us. One by one I threw those rocks out of my easy as switching off the light and if it did
basket. They were too much of a burden to happen, so be it.
carry. Given the fact that I am 68, why not fill A sign outside a cemetery said, “Manzil to
my basket with all the goodies of the earth? meri yehi thi par umar lag gayi yahaan aate
A devastating loss
Recently a dear friend’s wife succumbed Changed realities
to Covid-19; it was devastating. She took Attending a funeral was a method of
ill on their 46th wedding anniversary and conveying support. Covid-19 has changed
died 5 days later. The last thing that she ate the rules of how funerals are held. No more
was a piece of the wedding anniversary comforting hugs that convey a supportive
cake that her son fed her in the car on the emotion; even the number of attendees
way to the hospital. A husband and wife is now restricted. I hope to die after the
take each other for granted like a home, the Covid-19 and don’t want my Uthala to be
doors, the windows, walls and the roof. Only one of those sad, mournful afternoons when
when the roof is blown away and the storm someone singing “Maati kahe kumhar se
comes right in does one realise the pain of tu kya runde muye…” I would like to have
separation. The end of a relationship that a great tea party with great eats – samosas,
lasted 46 years. We meet on earth to part. sandwiches, pastries, snooty scones, and lots
Time and again people say whatever God of other things. Music by Abba, Boney M,
does we should be thankful to him. I wonder Beatles, Carpenters, whatever else the DJ can
what this husband must thank God for. He put together, music from the 70s to the 90s
keeps seeing images of his wife walking and have a happy afternoon with my cousins
around the house. It was shocking that and friends all there. Death was inevitable
one of us had died and it dawned on me and it has happened.
that I was also very vulnerable. But I was Forget about going to Mars or the moon,
hopeful and confident that I would be out of Chandrayaan 2 etc, scientists must
Covid-19. focus on our life expectancy, to be more