Page 43 - Seniors Today - January Issue
P. 43


         Dementia –

         reducing the risks

         Dementia is a lurking fear as one grows older, but you can take steps to lower
         its risk starting right now, explains Dr Nandini Saini

         Dementia – an umbrella term which                  difficulty performing simple day-to-day
         includes many different symptoms,                  tasks, even comprehending what they see.
         including memory loss, impaired thinking,          It has a physical, psychological, social,
         difficulty in finding words, impaired              and economic impact, not only on people
         judgment and the inability to perform              with dementia, but also on their families,
         everyday activities.                               careers and society.
          Although not a normal part of ageing,              The general cause of dementia is anything
         dementia mainly affects older people, more         that damages the neurons in the brain,
         common after the age of 65. Worldwide,             leading to dysfunction.
         around 50 million people have dementia,
         and there are nearly 10 million new cases          Are you at risk?
         every year.                                        There are some factors which are not in our
          There are many types of dementia                  control:
         including                                           AGE.  Although age is the strongest
         • Alzheimer’s disease (most common, 60             known risk factor for dementia, it is not
         -70 %),                                            a natural consequence of ageing. Further,
         • Vascular dementia,                               dementia does not exclusively affect older
         • Frontotemporal dementia                          people – young onset dementia (defined as
         • Lewy Body disease.                               the onset of symptoms before the age of 65
         • Dementia associated with Parkinson’s             years) accounts for up to 9% of cases.
         Dementia is one of the major causes of             GENES In rarer types of dementia there
         disability and dependency among older              may be a strong genetic link, but these are
         people worldwide, as affected people have          only a tiny proportion of overall cases of

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