Page 41 - Seniors Today - January Issue
P. 41

It seems that apples can do no wrong.
         The soluble fibre in apples prevents your
         cells from absorbing fat and aids water
         absorption. Plus, apples are full of vitamins
         and minerals, which assist in converting
         fats, carbohydrates and protein into energy.

         14. Cinnamon

                                                            Green veggies are weight loss superstars
                                                            and easy to incorporate into almost
                                                            anything you’re eating from a variety of our
                                                            vegetable preparations to smoothies, salads
                                                            etc. They are low in carbs and high in fiber.
                                                            You can eat large quantities for few calories,
                                                            and the nutritional values hit all the marks
                                                            to ensure you meet your daily requirements
         As a natural stabiliser of blood sugar,            for weight loss.
         cinnamon contains antioxidants and
         phytochemicals, which both energise                17. Grapefruit

         15. Pumpkin

                                                            The vitamin C found in grapefruit and
                                                            grapefruit juice is known to regulate fat
         White (Doodhi / Lauki/ bottle gourd) or            metabolism. Grapefruit also includes
         Orange / yellow (Bhopla) pumpkin great in          naringenin, which lowers your blood’s
         veggies, soups, smoothies, besides being a         insulin levels. Be aware that grapefruit
         super tasty veggie.  And because it’s low in       can interact with some drugs so speak to
         calories and contains many nutrients, it’s         your doctor/nutritionist if you are taking
         the perfect addition to any dish. Also high        medicines.
         in fiber, pumpkin will add taste and texture
         to everything you add it in.                       18. Dark chocolate
                                                            It may surprise you to find chocolate on this
         16. Leafy Greens - Spinach, Arugula,               list but, so long as it’s dark (with high cocoa
         Bok Choy etc.                                      content) and only consumed in moderation,

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