Page 10 - Seniors Today - January Issue
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sharp and visionary. Membership of some but what you built, not what you got but
key committees with the Indian government what you gave, not what you learnt but
endows him with unofficial consultancy what you taught, not your success but
power. His expertise in finance, business, your significance, not your talent but your
rise and fall of real estate prices, and value of character. Choose to live a life that matters.”
land, make him the go-to banker for policy Perhaps, that’s exactly what he does!
makers and the government.
For Parekh, being approachable is 16. Anand Mahindra, 65, Industrialist
important and he has an open-door policy – Upholding values and
anyone, irrespective of their hierarchy, can knowing that reputation
meet him. is as important as profits
Parekh’s key management advice? Guard for success Anand
against greed, excess leverage, and short- Mahindra’s mantra.
cuts. Honesty, integrity and humility are Part of the group of
time-tested traits and there is no softer influential voices in India who have taken up
pillow to lay your head upon at night than a microblogging (Twitter essentially) as their
clear conscience. compelling tool to communicate, he too has a
large number of fans whom he inspires.
15. Harsh Goenka, 64, Industrialist It’s not so much that he is the Chairman
“Being a good person is of Mahindra Group that spans aerospace,
very difficult – it’s like agribusiness, automotive, IT, finance
being a goalkeeper. No and insurance, infrastructure, industrial
matter how many goals equipment, retail, and hospitality or helping
you saved, you will be set up the Epic Television Network. It is
remembered for the because despite enormous wealth and
goals you missed,” says one of Goenka’s legacy, which combine to make him what he
well-articulated Twitter posts. Another one is today, he stays grounded, vulnerable and
shares tips towards happiness, focused on open to his emotions. People love stories
cheering up people during the lockdown. where they can relate to someone, despite
He is much more than the Chairman of generational, financial, educational, and
RPG Group, and beyond just being among other differences. It’s the emotional quotient
the 100 richest Indians. Though RPG that ultimately bring people closer to
spans across infrastructure, IT for business Mahindra.
process outsourcing, pharma, agricultural
business, tyres and venture capital – that 17. Harsh Mariwala, 68, Industrialist
invests in innovative start-ups in health, Marico Limited is a
wellness, infrastructure, automotive, leading consumer goods
infrastructure, and project management, he company that focuses
has what it takes to stay on top of his game. on health, beauty and
Goenka aspires to inspire through social wellness spaces spanning
media and his growing following indicates over 25 countries.
people absorb his good vibe, for instance, Mariwala also founded a Marico Innovation
“What will matter is not what you bought Foundation that focuses on supporting