Page 22 - Seniors Today - March Issue
P. 22
In the Footsteps
of the Gods
Are you seeking enlightenment, or adventurous escape? Rishikesh has the
answer to both, writes Vandana Kanoria
“Devotedly with a pure heart, who so ever in search of that difficult-to-capture moment
comes to Rishikesh, the Brahmteertha, (the of bliss.
supreme pilgrimage) and stays one night, The city has its own hustle bustle complete
becomes Godly.” with fruit and flower vendors and Internet
In this land of gods there are more than a few cafes in almost every lane. This is the city
places suffused with sacredness. Here one where spirituality and adrenaline rush walk
can hear faint echoes of divinity and “contact hand in hand.
eternity through the supreme conduits of
truth and beauty”.
Rishikesh is where you can go in search
of your inner Om or channel your inner
daredevil. Whether you are seeking
enlightenment or adventurous escape —
Rishikesh is teeming with ashrams, yoga
schools, white-water rafting companies,
adventure sports and vegan restaurants (by
law, the town is vegetarian and no alcohol Maharishi Mahesh Ashram in Rishikesh is famous for its
graffiti-covered walls
is permitted). The vibe is both relaxed and
reverent — and consequently attracts an In 1968, the Beatles came to this corner of
eclectic mix of genuine Hindu devotees and India to study transcendental meditation
gurus as well as western hippies, spiritual and stayed for weeks at Maharishi Mahesh
dilettantes and adrenalin junkies, who come Yogi’s ashram — and wrote some forty songs