Page 19 - Seniors Today - March Issue
P. 19

but the scheme has yet to extend outside the        The average Australian home has
         US.                                                6.7 devices, including televisions,
                                                            personal computers, laptops, tablets
         Impact on users                                    and smartphones. With diminishing
         With the iPhone 12 — the latest iPhone             opportunities for repair, the environmental
         offering — Apple has made it even harder           burden from disposing of these devices will
         for third-party repairers to fix the device,       increase.
         thereby increasing users’ reliance on its
         own services.                                      What is being done?
          Apple has hiked its repair charges for            Phone giants make it tough for third-party
         iPhone 12 by more than 40%, compared               repairers to do their job in a variety of ways.
         with the iPhone 11. It is charging more than       This includes constantly changing designs,
         A$359 to fix an iPhone 12 screen outside of        adding hurdles to the repair process, and
         warranty and A$109 to replace the battery.         restricting access to parts, diagnostic
          Historically, third-party repairers have          software and repair documentation.
         been a cheaper option. But using a third-           Meanwhile, consumers are left with
         party repairer for an iPhone 12 could render       broken phones and huge repair bills — and
         some phone features, such as the camera,           repairers are left with less business.
         almost inoperable.                                  The fight to remove barriers to repair is
          According to reports, fixing the iPhone 12’s      gaining momentum outside Australia, too,
         camera requires Apple’s proprietary system         in countries including Canada, the United
         configuration app, available only to the           Kingdom and the United States. Legislative
         company’s own authorised technicians.              reforms have been introduced in the
          It’s not just Apple, either. Samsung’s            European Union and Massachusetts.
         flagship phones are also quite tricky for           France has introduced a Repairability
         third-party repairers to fix.                      Index requiring electrical and electronic
                                                            equipment companies to inform consumers
         Impact on environment                              about their products’ repairability on a
         When certain parts for repairs aren’t              scale of one to ten.
         available, manufacturers will produce new           This takes into account the ease of
         phones instead, consuming more energy
         and resources. In fact, manufacturing one
         smartphone consumes as much energy as
         using it for ten years.
          As smartphones become harder to repair,
         electronic waste will grow. Apple and
         Samsung both cited environmental benefits
         when they announced they would no longer
         ship chargers with their phones.
          Yet, they’ve turned a blind eye to the
         environmental damage that would arise
         from completely cornering the repair               With diminishing opportunities for repair, the
                                                            environmental burden from disposing of multiple devices
         market.                                            will increase

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