Page 25 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 25

mountain views. On reaching Munsiyari, you         best guesthouse in Kalga. Raja Bhaiya turned
         were upclose to the Himalayas. It was bitterly     out to be a retired Punjabi armed forces chap
         cold, the homestay as basic as you could           who had worked for the UN in Greece and
         get, and I slept in my sleeping bag, covered       other parts of Europe, parted with his Greek
         with blankets. The hikes around Munsiyari          wife and came back to settle in Kalga, married
         were beautiful, but I could not take the           a beautiful Himachali woman and from whom
         unwelcoming accommodation (the woman               they have a lovely daughter. Raja Bhaiya had
         managing the homestay did do what she could        taken up the sanitisation programme for the
         – so no negatives for her – but the place was      village and due to his efforts, it is probably the
         just not liveable. Nothing but a direct entry      cleanest village in Himachal. He is a man for
         to your room, no lounge, no decent views, a        all seasons — driver, handyman, innkeeper,
         tent in the meadows or the forest would have       guide, teacher, philosopher and policeman. It
         been better. I hope to return to Munsiyari on a    is difficult to find a man of such character and
         better organised trip.                             drive in a village, but there he was, larger than

         April 7-14 Parvati and Tirthan valley
         Himachal Pradesh
          I learnt about Kalga from Shazia, a Pashtun
         girl I met while exploring the slums of             I flew to Kullu airport, where Raja picked
         Dharavi. She told me about Kalga, a village        the Pashtun girl, another guest and me
         in the mountains of the Parvati Valley, in the     and drove to the base of Kalga town in his
         lap of nature surrounded with an almost 360*       car, shopping for provisions, vegetables,
         circle of mountains. A village, where people       and bedding in Kullu town on the way. We
         came to visit but stayed on and never went         arrived at Barshaini, which is at the base
         back - mesmerised by the beauty and peace,         of the hill on which Kalga is situated and
         living the simple life. Germans, Englishmen,       hiked the 45-minute trek to Kalga and Raja’s
         Israelis, Indians from different parts of India,   guesthouse. Two girls from the village had
         businessmen, doctors, engineers, scientists,       materialised. They and Raja made light work
         entrepreneurs, et all who had seen various         of carrying up our luggage, bedding and all
         degrees of success in their careers, and who no    the purchases made.
         longer felt they could get anything more from       Yes, the only way to get to Kalga is to walk.
         life. The simple pleasures of everyday life in     It’s a pedestrian village with houses strewn all
         Kalga without worry or stress drew them to         over the intermediary plateau and the hillside.
         this beautiful place.                              The guesthouse was all it promised to be,
          She told me about Raja Bhaiya, who ran the        comfortable, warm with running hot water.

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