Page 30 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 30


         5 Ways to Ease

         Excessive Gas

         Dr Prasanna Shah writes on what causes excess gas and ways to ease the

         Burping, belching, passing wind, farting, or       2. Hydrogen, methane and carbon
         feeling gassy is a result of what you eat. The     dioxide – The kind of food one eats can
         digestive system processes the food, and, in       lead to flatulence. It is caused when the
         this process, there is formation of different      body is unable to digest food. Once the
         kinds of gases that leads to flatulence.           undigested food passes into the small
         Flatulence is a medical term used for gas          intestine, the good bacteria break down the
         formation in the digestive system. On an           food that leads to the production of these
         average, the digestive system forms gas            gases. The ratio of these gases may differ on
         about 20 times a day. However, excessive           how much of certain foods one consumes.
         gas in the form of farting or burping can be
         painful and discomforting in many ways,            Factors that cause gas
         such as cramping, a knotted feeling in the         Sometimes what you eat may not be the
         tummy, or feeling bloated. But there are           root cause of foul-smelling flatulence.
         simple ways that will help you ease from           Hence it is essential to be aware of the
         excessive gas issues.                              factors that could be the underlying cause
                                                            of excessive gas. Factors such as –
         What types of gases are collected in the           • Dairy products
         digestive system?                                  • Eating too much of high-fibre foods such
         1. Oxygen and nitrogen – Swallowing air            as beans, legumes and whole grains
         while eating and drinking causes collection        • High consumption of vegetables such
         of oxygen and nitrogen in the digestive            as broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts,
         tract. This is often released from the mouth       onions…
         in form of a burp.                                 • Sugary beverages, sodas, chewing gum

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