Page 26 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 26

Meals were in the kitchen, the verandah or         River Beas, runs east, through a steep-sided
         Raja’s bedroom, which doubled up as a sitting      valley from the town of Bhuntar, in the Kullu
         room around a welcoming fire, where one            district.
         could get out of the many layers of clothes         It is a land where myths are alive and touch
         one otherwise needed to wear. Raja, his wife,      all aspects of the lives of the people living
         daughter and I would spend every evening           there.
         there. The Pashtun girl and her friend joined       It is believed that Shiva, the destroyer,
         us sometimes. Her German boyfriend soon            meditated in the mystical valley for about
         arrived, and she disappeared only to be seen       3000 years. He sat here in the form of a naked
         on our treks and at breakfast. The other guest     ash -meared sanyasi or a naga sadhu. Seasons
         had friends in the village and we would meet       would come and go, and one day he looked
         her occasionally.                                  out at this untouched, perfectly sculpted
                                                            landscape and named it after his consort,
                                                             Another famous legend says that eons
                                                            ago, Kartikeya, the younger son of Shiv
                                                            and Parvati, meditated here for a thousand
                                                            years. While he was here, Shiv and Parvati
                                                            occasionally came to see him. Parvati would
                                                            make kheer for him. A natural spring
                                                            bubbling with sulhpurous hot water, thus
                                                            came to be known as Kheerganga.
                                                             The greyish colour of the Parvati River is
          I nearly forgot to say that the cuisine           also attributed to the culinary skills of the
         available in Kalga was unreal. Chinese and         goddess.
         Italian struggled with dal bati churma,             Each day started with a morning walk,
         makkai ki roti/ sarson ka saag and Himachali       breakfast and then the daylong trek lasting
         food, all cooked in little homes and the           for five to seven hours up the mountain,
         occasional restaurant.                             following one route and coming back down by
                                                            another one.
                                                             The route to Kheerganga was not fully open,
                                                            so we made our way ably guided by Raja
                                                            passing through several snowfields. I am at
                                                            a loss for words to describe the sheer beauty
                                                            of nature – her glorious colours of green, rust
                                                            and white enveloping us. It was wild and
                                                            magical. Nature is alive and talking to us, the
                                                            trees telling us stories of yore, the mountains
                                                            the silent witnesses to everything that the
                                                            earth has endured, I thought to myself. I
          The Parvati Valley is situated in the             wished that I could stay longer amidst this
         northern state of Himachal Pradesh, from           breathtaking beauty.
         the confluence of the Parvati River and             This was unfortunately not to be. I was

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