Page 20 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 20
800 meters, with the occasional overnighter body is not great and damage is minimized.
in a tent thrown in. 6. Maintain 5-10-feet distance between
Now, the idea of hiking or trekking, is to yourself and the closest companion unless the
do increasingly difficult treks and not be path is such that you can walk side by side.
tired at the end of each day, so that one can 7. Learn how to brace yourself in order to
enjoy the après hike activities. So, what do assist others
you do? First, you just start hiking on easy, 8. Have no bravado, know your limits and do
moderate, or intermediate hikes based on not attempt to assist another, putting yourself
your personal health and stamina. Going in jeopardy. The professional accompanying
on these hikes entices you to do more; your you, is fitter, more knowledgeable and capable
physical condition improves daily. Then, you to deal with untoward incidents, than you are
institute a daily work out plan. I set up a daily 9. Use good equipment – hiking shoes,
programme of a two-hour walk, a 45-minute knapsack, walking poles, eyeglasses, sun
freehand or Yoga workout and a 70-minute cream, and multiple layers of clothing that
swimming programme. This allowed me to you can put on and take off.
graduate from the moderate to intermediate 10. Keep yourself cool while walking and
and then to difficult treks. It is also important warm when not.
to improve your balance, your reaction 11. Keep yourself well-hydrated, eat well – a
timing, and knowing how to fall without tad more protein and drink very moderately if
getting hurt. A few facets that I developed: at all.
1. Walk at a steady pace – ideally it should be 12. Trekking in the mountains is a serious
the same pace when you end the hike as the business. Extremely pleasurable but it is no
pace at which you started. place to horse around. All mountain paths
2. Be surefooted, taking care to see where are treacherous, the more so as you go higher,
you put and move your feet on treacherous and on the not - so - often trod routes. You
ground. are safe, if you keep your wits about you,
3. Lean slightly forward while going up follow the advice of the professional you are
and slightly back when going down. On a with, take his assistance when needed while
mountain trail hug the mountain as much as not throwing your weight and desist from
possible and always lean into the mountain, attempting a narrow ledge or path where
rather than away from it. adequate traction is not available.
4. Keep your eye on the trail, the quality of the 13. In your guides, look for people who
ground you are walking on and what is going know their job, are pleasant, have some
to face you as you move. Develop the ability conversation. Use certified professionals as
to move your head, duck, use your hands to far as possible. They are difficult to find in
deflect, all without loosing your balance or India on solo trips unless you are doing it with
your footing. a well-organised trekking company.
5. When falling is inevitable, stop trying to What follows is a glimpse of the hiking
stop your fall, and go into a controlled fall, so trips undertaken in August 2018–June 2019,
that you hit the ground as softly as possible, that shows how varied and interesting the
protecting above all your head. Move your mountains can be
hands, legs, muscles and body to create a The first hiking trip was to the Carpathian
rolling fall, so that impact on any part of the Mountains and Transylvania in Romania.