Page 31 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 31

• Talking while eating or eating quickly            4. Eat slowly – Chewing your food well
        • Bacterial overgrowth in the bowel                 is the first step to smooth digestion. When
        • Food intolerance                                  you eat slowly and chew your food well,
                                                            the digestion process does its job smoothly
        5 Ways to help you ease excessive gas               because you have already minced the food
        1. Change of diet – A change of diet does           and made it digestion ready. This also helps
        not necessarily mean one has to completely          the food to get digested easily and can help
        go off foods that causes gas. Perhaps a             curb excessive gas.
        nutritionist could help you plan out your
        meals that includes little bit of everything.
        The aim here is to make sure that you
        have a well-balanced meal that includes
        everything in moderation so that your gut is
        happy and healthy.

        2. Exercise – There are numerous benefits
        of regular workouts. When you sweat it
        not only helps flush toxins but also makes
        your gut stronger. Your metabolic levels are
        improved and that helps in the digestion            5. Herbal tea – Drinking any kind of
        process. All one has to do is some light            herbal tea, especially ginger on an empty
        exercises and walk for at least 30 minutes          stomach helps speed up digestion. When
        a day. This will certainly improve your             you are feeling bloated and are in pain,
        digestion.                                          drink some tea – ginger, or chamomile,
                                                            or mint… it relaxes the digestive tract and
        3. Drink water – If you feel the urge of            improves digestion. If you have overeaten
        drinking water before your meals, then              or are feeling cramming a cup of tea will
        make sure that you have a 30-minute gap.            soothe your stomach and help you keep
        When you drink water right before your              calm.
        meal it flushes down the stomach acid that
        slows down the digestion process. When              What if the symptoms still persist?
        you drink water 30 minutes before that              If changing the diet and taking all measures
        promote a smooth digestion process that             are not improving your digestive issues,
        helps reduce flatulence.                            then you need to find the cause. Often
                                                            times the underlying cause could be some
                                                            gastrointestinal condition. You need to be
                                                            on the look out and get yourself checked to
                                                            avoid any risk. Here are some risk factors
                                                            that may be causing frequent and excessive
                                                            gas issues –
                                                            1. Upper gastrointestinal diseases –
                                                            Frequent belching could be a sign of upper
                                                            gastrointestinal disorder. It includes ulcers,

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