Page 44 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 44

A simple recipe that requires minimum              Everybody enjoys a bowl of mashed
         effort and can be made out of any beans of         potatoes and stir fry veggies but have you
         your choice. All one has to do is prep some        ever tried mashed black beans with stir fry
         barbecue sauce at home, you can also use           veggies on the side? A recipe that is quick
         the store-bought barbecue sauce for this           to make and delicious to eat, packed with
         recipe.                                            nutrients and minerals.
          Kashmiri rajma aka red kidney beans                Black beans aka kaale sem are very good
         have an earthy flavour to it and the outer         for bone health, regulating blood sugar
         skin is firmer than chitra rajma. Hence it         levels and great for weight loss.
         is important to cook these beans correctly         Pro tip
         because if they are under cooked or                Kalimiri aka black pepper is good for gut
         partially cooked that could cause stomach          health. It contains properties that improves
         related issues.                                    digestion and eases flatulence. Use freshly
         Pro tip                                            ground kalimiri to season the dish, this
         Chakr phool aka star ainse helps keep              spice loses its efficacy when cooked hence
         the stomach calm. It contains relaxation           the emphasis on using freshly ground
         properties that can treat gas and flatulence.      pepper.
         Preparation                                        Preparation
         • Soak these beans overnight, due to its           • Soak the beans over night or for 4-5 hours
         thicker skin it takes longer time to soften        and pressure cook it, for this dish beans
         • Pressure-cook the beans for 20 minutes           have to be mushy
         with some water, one star anise aka chakr          • In a saucepan sauté finely chopped white
         phool and salt                                     onions till they are translucent, add a tsp
         • Once the beans are cooked properly in            of – garlic powder, ginger powder and
         a saucepan add some oil, temper finely             continue sautéing
         chopped onions and a cup of barbecue               • In a separate bowl mash the beans and
         sauce                                              add the sautéed mixture to it
         • Mix it well and bring it to simmer, the dish     • Marry the mixture well and season it with
         will have a thick consistency                      salt and freshly ground pepper
         • Serve it warm with some gluten free toast        • Serve it with some stir fry veggies on the
         or add to your burrito                             side

         Mashed Black Beans aka Kaale Sem                   Black Bean Brownies

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