Page 29 - Seniors Today - July 2021 Issue
P. 29

for two or three pet-owners. The rest are all      dog-walkers and one automatically steps
         professional ‘dog-walkers’. I was intrigued        in for the other in case of abstentions and
         by one, Ankit (name changed) since I               emergencies.
         see him regularly walking four dogs on              An elderly lawyer and ex-banker (I will
         most days. I chatted with him and learnt           withhold the name for confidentiality
         something interesting. They are a group            reasons ), nudging 70, based in Mumbai
         of about 11 professional walkers in that           since the 1980s and consulting with one of
         part of the city doing the rounds at various       the ex-big shots in the steel industry, now
         public places with the owners’ pets. They          practically gone bust with the flagship
         get between Rs 6,000 to 7,000 per dog per          company having been acquired under
         month. Between the morning rounds and              Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code/ NCLT
         the evening rounds, he makes around Rs             rules, walks daily for 14 to 15 km on the
         30,000 to 32,000 per month which he is             same shores that I do. He walks briskly and
         happy with and helps take care of his family       always in his own world uttering mantras.
         along with the income of his working wife.         We exchange salutations without fail and
                                                            many a times get talking for long. Today
                                                            was one such day. He had some lovely
                                                            anecdotes to share with me. An interesting
                                                            story is about how the provision to debar
                                                            defaulting promoters from bidding in the
                                                            revival schemes under IBC/ NCLT came
                                                            about so that no one can game the system.
                                                            Apparently, a couple of dodgy promoters
                                                            (well-known or rather notorious for their
                                                            swanky homes and paraphernalia locally
          He had a good job as a factotum in                and the world over) refused to settle with
         IndusInd Bank, but soon got disillusioned          the banks with the confidence that the
         with the demeaning treatment meted out             banks will be forced to settle with them
         to him by executives and that too for the          with a huge write-off and then they can get
         meagre pay of about Rs 11,000. He just got         back into the play and continue business as
         frustrated and one fine day cocked a snook         usual, after having defrauded the banks of
         at his employer and quit. He says that it was      thousands of crores.
         his best decision ever and he has no regrets.       The gentlemen in question along with his
         Most importantly, he has preserved his             banker friend (involved with framing laws
         self-respect and self-worth. Over the past         for IBC) happened to meet the then finance
         couple of years or so, he has learnt all that      minister and discussed the matter. It was
         is to be learnt about dogs, their behavioural      decided by the FM during those discussions
         patterns, their ailments, their treatments,        to incorporate a rule barring such
         visits to vets, etc. The owners of the pets        fraudulent promoters from bidding for their
         are finding him indispensable today – the          companies again under the IBC mechanism
         masters need the ‘walker’ to keep their            for settling dues/ reviving bankrupt
         pets ‘walking’ and healthy. The best part is       companies. Getting to know first-hand how
         that there is a huge comity amongst these          some important rules got enacted is not just

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