Page 28 - Seniors Today - July 2021 Issue
P. 28
Life Lessons
Strangers on a Walk
Strangers can enrich your life or teach you a lesson of a lifetime, writes
Nagesh Alai
If you are an Alfred Hitchcock fan, some de rigueur. The deserted stretches distinct
of you may have seen his 1951 film called from the teeming sardines in the city, the
‘Strangers on a Train’, a psychological calming sound of waves crashing, the school
thriller about two strangers, one a tennis of crows and pigeons nibbling at feeds,
star and the other a psychopath, meeting in the delectable presence of the migratory
a train leading to a murder and a chilling birds like egrets, gulls, herons, cormorants,
train of events with a classic Hitchcockian the wonderful play of the sunshine and
denouement. It is scary enough to keep you the skies, the imposing sea link and Taj
away from strangers in your life. Lands End, the silhouettes of the distant
Celluloid imagination and storytelling Versova and Madh skylines are all a feast
apart, each of us must have had our share for the mind and soul, even as you walk
of experiences meeting strangers in our through plastic and garbage which the sea
routines. Some delectable, some unsavoury. throws back at the untidy us. The piece
Of course, in comparison with the film de resistance, of course, is the fortuitous
scripts, ours may not be as memorable, but meetings with strangers and the gratuitous
interesting nevertheless and insightful. learnings.
Over the past year and more of movement Going by the oohs and ahs of many of my
restrictions and social distancing (which pet-loving friends, I always thought they
many may see as a welcome relief, but loath would themselves set out with their pets for
to admit), my morning walks and free hand their morning constitutional (unfortunately,
workouts on the shores of Prabhadevi/ not just the for the pet ‘walks’ but for the
Shivaji Park beaches in Mumbai have been pet to ‘poop’ as well). Not so really, except