Page 30 - Seniors Today - July 2021 Issue
P. 30

interesting, but also vindicates how some          is our responsibility to fulfil it, no matter
         shakers and movers in the government are           the odds. It was clear that he is talking
         prudent and make things happen.                    about his struggles and knocks in life. He
          Then there are two sisters who own a shop         had a disarming candour and positivity.
         close by and have a lovely Pomeranian for          Since I am a student of spirituality, I had a
         a pet. Unfailingly, they come every day to         long conversation with him and did learn
         the beach with milk and food for the many          something from him. He was carrying an
         stray dogs that roam the beach front. As           umbrella and a tiffin box. I could make out
         does another gentleman, who does not own           that he may be a daily wager; true enough
         a pet himself, but gets milk and food for the      he was an out-of-job security guard.
         strays. Very humane and kind and worthy             Then there is an understated but voluble
         of emulation. Heaven-sent for the mute!            couple, with whom I struck a friendship.
                                                            While the husband has his own business
                                                            in the high-end pharma research space and
                                                            other businesses, the wife runs a wellness
                                                            and counselling platform especially for
                                                            senior citizens (coincidentally, geriatric
                                                            care is a cause that I have been supporting
                                                            for years). Before long, they invited me and
                                                            my elder son (who founded a start-up) for
                                                            a tete-a-tete at their lovely home, where we
                                                            could meet their well-educated children as
                                                            well (one of whom is a trained singer and a
                                                            much-followed youtuber). Suffice it to say
                                                            that the conversations enhanced the mutual
                                                            respect and regard and hopefully, it will be
                                                            an enduring friendship.
                                                             Everything in life is not hunky-dory. You
                                                            can also have some nasty experiences. Let
          Several fisherfolk, some of whom I                me recount that as well. A few months ago,
         happen to talk to, can be seen searching           on the way back from a trek to the Mauli
         for clams in the seabed during low tides           fort in Khardi, at a halt at a tea shop before
         and selling them to the walkers on the             the Thane toll naka, a stranger approached
         shores. A uniform theme is the loss of             us asking us for some advice on some coins
         jobs and incomes given the pandemic, but           that he had discovered in a construction site.
         determined to eke out an honourable living         As a numismatist, I have a fair interest and
         and feeding hungry mouths in their homes.          knowledge about coins. I offered to help him
          The walks can be a great leveller too. In the     determine the authenticity and potential
         course of my walk, a person accosted me a          value. In my desire to help, and taken in
         few days ago and held forth on the ways of         by his subdued demeanour, I let down
         the word – how the world could be a better         my normal guard and circumspection.
         place if it were not for envy and animus in        To cut a long story short, before long that
         people. We all have a purpose in life and it       person rooked me of a small fortune, good

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