Page 25 - Seniors Today - July 2021 Issue
P. 25
moving at the speed of sound, grandkids wisdom that becomes a buffer against the
make sure that you don’t fall too far behind unexpected twists and turns life takes. The
the times. In fact all my navigation skills biggest gift of this all-important bond is the
on the internet highway are courtesy my endless supply of love, acceptance, patience
12-year-old granddaughter who makes and unwavering support. A grandparent’s
sure I don’t lose my way in the jungle of love is a safe harbour — helping a child
technology, and remember how to use feel secure, especially when buffeted by
all the funny photo apps. This unique storms of confusion and stress. Because
bond can be life changing—an adrenaline they are free from doling out discipline,
boost that restores energy, optimism, and grandparents hold a unique position. They
youthfulness. Recent studies also show that can listen to their grandchildren without
emotional closeness between grandparents judgment, criticism or without having
and grandchildren can protect seniors to lay down the law. This extra layer of
against depression, boost brain function support can have lasting positive effects
and lead to a longer life. The desire to be on the child’s emotional well-being. Susan
present as a child grows has encouraged Bosak, the author of How To Build The
many grandparents to remain active, Grandma Connection, says that children
educate themselves on important issues who have strong ties with involved, caring
to children, and fiercely protect their own grandparents develop higher self-esteem,
health. better emotional stability, stronger social
skills, an ability to withstand peer pressure
and enhanced academic performance.
Research from the University of Oxford
found that those who had a strong
relationship with their grandparents had
fewer emotional and behavioural problems
than those without. And this support lasts
throughout the turbulent teenage years.
While my four grandchildren are still not
teenagers, a little tiff with parents sends
them straight to that refuge called Nani
House. To avoid their parents’ admonitions
Suitcase of feelings and disciplinarian actions, my two
Twilight years arrive with a suitcase grandsons know that Amma and Dadu are
packed with feelings of helplessness – that impenetrable fortress that even the
new physical limitations, struggles with strongest and bravest parent cannot breach.
changing roles at work, in personal lives,
and feelings of not being needed in ways
they once were, all leading to a diminishing
sense of self. But having grandchildren
gives people a new sense of joyous
For grandkids, grandparents can offer life