Page 43 - Seniors Today - July 2021 Issue
P. 43

1. Eat brown or red rice instead of                you hungry and want to keep eating,
         white rice                                         makes you crave for sweets. Everyone
                                                            loves pizzas but the base is not so healthy.
                                                            A good alternative option is a grated
                                                            cauliflower, which is also good for those
                                                            who are on a gluten-free diet.

                                                            3. Choose multi-grains, or whole
                                                            wheat flour for rotis instead of maida

          We know brown rice is more nutritious
         than white rice, but why is this exactly?
         It comes down to how quickly your body
         digests rice (and how full it will keep
         you over time). The main reason [brown
         and red rice are healthier] is around the
         glycaemic index. GI refers to how quickly
         the body will digest a carbohydrate.               We have a variety of attas (jowar, nachni,
         The number should be as close to one as            rajgira, soya, etc) that you can mix and
         possible. Quick cooking white basmati              match. The chapatis taste delicious and
         rice has a GI of 63. Whereas the GI of             are brimming with nutrients that are
         brown and red rice is about 50. Red rice           excellent for you
         is the most nutritious rice variety to eat
         being highest in antioxidants and fibre as         4.Use fat-free yogurt or homemade
         well.                                              dahi instead of cream

         2. Grated cauliflower as a pizza base
         is  far healthier than maida

                                                            To cut calories and saturated fat and
         Eating maida raises your bad cholesterol           leave you feeling better about your meal,
         (LDL), clogs arteries, raises blood                try homemade dahi always, or fat-free
         pressure, disrupts blood sugar, keeps              yogurt.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #25 | JULY 2021                                                               43
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