Page 26 - Seniors Today - Vol1 Issue 3
P. 26
First Person
The 10 Commandments of Grandparenting
For children, spending time with their grandparents is a source of joy.
Here’s how to manage them – and yourself. By Senor Dey
There was a time when every summer holiday favourite playmate, the simplest of pleasures
you went home to your Nana-Nani’s (maternal build a strong, everlasting and sacred bond.
grandparents’) house where your mother was While grandparents act as an authority figure
the star and you were the superstar. Everybody and provide unconditional love, they also get
pampered you, spoilt you, and made plans to
suit your requirements. Depending upon your
age you could be taught religion, fly as many
kites as you want, cycle around all morning.
Many relatives came to meet you, gave you
gifts of money, you got invited to their homes,
everyone asked what you wanted to eat and
at the end of the trip, grandfather gave you
a hundred-rupee note that was immediately
confiscated by your mother and at every
argument you wanted your note back. Grandma
shed tears at your departure, there was
something warm in the scent of her embrace,
and that memory lingered on for a long time
even after you grew up.
The relationship between a grandchild and
grandparent is a special one. Time spent with
Nana-Nani/Dada-Dadi (paternal grandparents)
holds such fond memories for most of us.
The exchange of silly words or expressions,
an affectionate clever nickname given by the
grandparent, playing peek-a-boo, being their Grandparents can be invaluable in children’s upbringing