Page 28 - Seniors Today - Vol1 Issue 3
P. 28

steadying factor of a warm relationship which         problem.
        the child feels will not disappear. At a time like    4.Even if you are living together make each
        this, it reassures the youngsters that grandma’s      other’s territories very clear. Who is going to
        world is a safe place they can come to and she        cook the food, do the laundry or babysit the
        will not desert them. She is on their side. Being     children, unless of course there is a special
        a grandparent, Seema has learnt some coping           request made by your son. If you feel that you
        skills that she passes on to her grandchildren,       are capable and are happy to babysit don’t
        and spends more time with them. She believes          expect anything in return.
        time is the best gift a grandchild can get.           5.Pretend to be blind and deaf when your
        Points to ponder                                      son and his wife are quarrelling. It’s normal
        After chatting with grandparents across the           that young couples quarrel. Also, they do not
        spectrum of society, the following advisory           like their parents to be involved in a dispute
        emerged:                                              between husband and wife. Most importantly,
        1.A little distance is good for the relationship. It’s   you shouldn’t worry about your son’s
        all right if your son and his wife stay separately    family problems – let them settle it between
        from you. They may have various reasons –             themselves.
        jobs, economics and independence.                     6.Absolutely do not interfere or volunteer
        2.Treat your son’s wife as his wife, not as your      opinions on matters that concern your
        daughter. Maybe treat her like a friend. Your         grandchildren. Your grandchildren belong to
        son would always be your junior, but if you           your son and his wife; whichever way they want
        think that his wife is of the same rank and if you    to raise their children it is up to them. The credit
        ever scold her, she will remember it for life. In     or the blame would be upon them.
        real life only her own parents will be viewed as      7.Plan your own retirement. Do not rely on
        qualified to scold or correct her.                    your children to take care of your retirement.
        3.Whatever habits or characteristics your son’s       You have already walked through most of your
        wife has, it’s not your problem, it is your son’s     journey in life; this is the time to have fun.
                                                              8.It’s in your own interest that you enjoy your
                                                              retirement years. Utilise the time and your
                                                              money and put them to the best possible use
                                                              you can.
                                                              9.Grandchildren do not belong to your family –
                                                              they are their parents’ most precious gift.
                                                              10.Grandchildren give you true and pure love,
                                                              and in the saddest of moments can bring a smile
                                                              to your face. Cherish their warmth and tight
                                                              little hugs. A child is a child for just a moment;
                                                              hold on to that moment, you may never see it
                                                               The best part of being a grandparent is giving
                                                              the gift of your time. For a child there is nothing
                                                              more joyful than spending the day with their
                                                              grandparents, exploring new things. The
                                                              whole experience becomes a part of making
                                                              memories that will last a lifetime, not only for
                                                              the grandparents but also for the grandchildren.
                                                              Warm and enthusiastic grandparents are
                                                              supportive, devoted to their grandchildren, and
                                                              can often be indispensable.
        Grandma’s hug is a special one!

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