Page 31 - Seniors Today - Vol1 Issue 3
P. 31

testate, succession to his/her property would         be amended by a Codicil, a legal document
        be governed by the Will under the Indian              deemed to be part of such Will. It must follow
        Succession Act, 1925, irrespective of his/her         the same rules as a valid Will.
        religion (other than Muslims who can give only
        a part of their estate under a Will).                 Intestate Death

        How to make a valid Will

                                                              Ensure that your wishes are clear and unambiguous
        Making a proper Will can eliminate a lot of confusion
                                                              Not everyone makes a Will and therefore when
        1. The testator must declare that he/she is of        a person dies intestate, inheritance laws apply
        sound mind and not a minor.                           as follows:
        2. The testator should revoke all previous Wills      1. In the case of Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists,
        if they exist and declare this to be their last and   and Jains, the applicable law is the Hindu
        final Will.                                           Succession Act, 1956.
        3. The testator should appoint Executors of the       2. In the case of Muslims, inheritance is
        Will, and in case the Will creates a Trust, then      governed by Sharia law.
        Trustees.                                             3. In the case of Christians, Parsis, and interfaith
        4. The Will should contain a description of           marriages under the Special Marriage Act, 1954,
        the assets owned by the testator, including           the Indian Succession Act, 1925, would apply.
        immoveable property, bank accounts, cash,
        investments, jewellery, other assets to be
        bequeathed, intellectual property, and in today’s
        times also email and other digital accounts and
        5. The Will should name beneficiaries. If there
        are several beneficiaries then a detailed list or
        share of assets bequeathed to each beneficiary
        should be clearly mentioned, including the
        beneficiary/ies of the residue assets which are
        not specifically listed. If any beneficiary is a
        minor, or not of sound mind, then a custodian
        for such assets should be named.
        6. The Will should be dated and signed in the
        presence of two witnesses.
        7. It should contain the names, addresses and
        signatures of the witnesses.
        It must be mentioned here that there are
        different rules that apply for HUF (Hindu             When a person does not leave a Will, various inheritance
        Undivided Family) property. A valid Will may          laws will apply to their property

                                                                                   SENIORS TODAY | Volume 1 | Issue 3
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