Page 27 - Seniors Today - Vol1 Issue 3
P. 27
It is important to spend quality time with grandchildren
to spoil their grandchildren in a way parents disagree with the parents in front of their
simply can’t. But beyond that, grandparents also children. My wife and I plan trips to the zoo at
wield incredible influence. least two to three times a year with a food basket
and a sheet to spread on the lawn. We walk
Links through stories around the zoo looking at the familiar animals,
Children love ‘long ago’ and ‘faraway’ stories. come back home read about the animal we saw
The history of the family is passed on in the and check out videos on National Geographic
telling of the stories. The richest families are channel on YouTube. I have done so on giraffes,
those in which stories have been remembered, tigers, lions and have planned to take my
treasured, and incorporated into the spirit of grandchild to the Gir National Park. Although
the family. They are the living bridge between the trip is four months away there is a lot of
the past and the future of a family. When excitement as he has already learnt how to use
grandchildren hear these stories they learn who the phone to take photographs. I plan to get him
they are and from where they came; a landscape trekking shoes and go on hikes with him.”
of generations is painted in front of them.
Maintaining and passing on the family stories Support in troubled times
is a precious gift that grandparents can give to Yet another grandparent, Seema, is a ‘nani’
their grandchildren. whose two teenage children are unable to cope
Haresh, 72, shares: “Every time my grandson with the hostility between their parents. The
visits I have to be prepared with a knick-knack marriage has broken up and the economics
surprise for him. The day is planned around of the situation does not allow for a divorce.
him as he likes to go to the park and play with Rather than grieve over this she is reassuring
the animals around, which fascinate him. He her grandchildren that they are not the cause of
loves telling ghosts stories and at that moment their parents’ fights and that she is a safe person
I become a child and amuse him by acting for the children to talk to, to hear their anguish
frightened. His presence provides a sense of about why their parents couldn’t learn to get
fulfilment, and life feels complete. There is along with each other. She does this without
nothing more I could have asked for than the joy laying blame on either parent. She is the saving
of spending quality time with my grandson.” grace in her grandchildren’s lives during this
“Asal se zyaada sood payaara hota hai” – the period of tension.
interest amount is dearer than the principal No matter how carefully parents think that
amount, he adds. they have disguised such feelings, children
Says Subhash, 65: “I do not interfere with nevertheless pick up the vibes and suffer from
the upbringing of the grandchildren. I do not them. Here, grandparents can provide the
SENIORS TODAY | Volume 1 | Issue 3