Page 9 - Seniors Today - Vol1 Issue 3
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regular without uniform. The attacks started
on 21–22 October with Muzzafarabad being
the epicentre. The state forces unfortunately
aligned themselves with the Kabali raiders
and so this important city was over-run. Soon
Domel – strategically important – was taken.
There really was no resistance in between
Domel and Uri. It was here that Brig Rajinder
Singh, chief of the state forces, laid defences to
halt the massive invasion. Unfortunately his
motley forces could not hold the position as they
Gen. Thimaya seen distributing rations to refugees at Baramulla
were outnumbered. After retreating a number
accede to it by strangulating the supplies and of times, the state forces were totally destroyed
communication and by other coercive methods. and the gallant Brig Rajinder Singh too fell
Whose wisdom allowed the important Posts on the outskirts of Baramulla. This town was
and Telegraphs Department to be handed completely destroyed, looted and raped. Many
over to Pakistan to run is very circumspect as years later my good friend, Melville De Mellow,
the diabolical plans were already made to get made a radio feature and called it “The Rape of
to this end. To achieve this they started the Baramulla”. That radio feature brought tears to
armed Kabali invasion in Uri and Baramulla, the eyes of PM Nehru and the many others who
and simultaneously subverted the Muslim heard about the depravity of the marauders.
population and the state forces.
However, it was the economic blockade of the
Valley which was the defining factor of this
three-pronged war. There were forced food
shortages, depletion and rationing of petrol and
other fuels. The postal department handling all
cash transactions and banking activities was
totally strangulated, thus making miserable
the ordinary life of the Valley residents. The
communal disturbances fuelled by Pakistan
added to the travails of the state administration
whose forces were distributed across the state
in penny packets. Soon small numbers of people
started migrations in different directions. The
situation in Poonch area became serious as the On one of his visits to Baramulla, Gen Thimaya interacting with
state’s ragtag force was fighting against well- local Muslims after the destruction of the city by the invaders
armed fighters as well as the Pakistani army in These events, as well as the overall situation
uniform. This was part of the deliberate plan, as being desperate, prompted the Maharaja to
it was the pre-cursor to the large-scale invasion request the Indian Government for assistance
into the valley by “tribals”. and help. From Baramulla the raiders had
By around the middle of October, the state advanced to a small hamlet, Shalteng, just 5
was largely incapacitated and there was no kms out of Batmaloo, Srinagar. It was decided
administration as such. The main attack plan by the cabinet in Delhi that the Indian forces
was called “Operation Gulmarg” and was could only be sent after a written document was
actually handled and signed by the head of the signed by the state ruler. It was at this juncture
Pakistan Army. Each of the detachment of these that the Maharaja signed the Instrument of
tribals was commanded by a Pakistani army Accession on October 26, 1947, thus paving the
SENIORS TODAY | Volume 1 | Issue 3