Page 11 - Seniors Today - Vol1 Issue 3
P. 11
The area which was now threatened was Thus, the inroads made by the enemy forces
Kargil, as all reinforcements for Skardu were to get to the Kashmir valley were halted in
to go through this town. Due to many reasons Gurez, Uri and Baramulla by now. Ladakh too
the Indian forces were all spread over the route was under Indian control, where the Indians
going to Kargil, and were not significant in started pushing back the hostile forces all the
numbers ever to mount a major offensive to oust way beyond along the Indus Valley. Thus the
the hostile forces. Ultimately in early May 1948, Pakistani forces had only Zoji-La as the path left
Kargil fell. The Indians were badly mauled and to get to the Valley. They orchestrated concerted
decimated. From Kargil they lost control of Dras attacks all along the Valley route leading to
region (Dras garrison was surrounded, though Sonamarg, along the river Sindh. Several
still in Indian control but very much isolated) bridges over this river were targeted and one
and then headed towards Zoji-La, with the such battle was fought at the Wyil bridge on the
ultimate aim of getting to the Valley. outskirts of Ganderbal (short of the small town
Ladakh was an isolated part of the state of of Kangan). I was present at the bridge and have
Jammu & Kashmir but strategically very reported first-hand on the skirmishes there,
important, as it was the centre of trade routes as a war correspondent. The raiders were not
between China and the Middle East. It was any “mujahideen” but regulars of the Pakistani
thus an important and coveted area for both army dressed as raiders. Several who lay dead in
Pakistan and India. The Skardu garrison the fields beyond the bridge even had their army
having been “contained” opened the way for ID cards with them.
the Pakistan-led force to move towards Leh by For many months during the summer of 1948,
way of Nubra Valley to the north and the Indus the Indian Army made efforts to dislodge and
valley in the immediate south. Kargil having push back the Pakistanis from the heights
fallen, in the meanwhile, the enemy blocked around Zoji-La. Almost all the attempts yielded
the communication lines and passage between no results. The commanders came to the
Srinagar and Leh, adding to the problems of conclusion that if the enemy was not pushed out
the small defensive positions of the State and of Zoji-La area before the winter set in, it would
Indian Army. With no path left for the forces become impossible to keep them from rolling
to move forward and to reinforce areas around into the Kashmir valley after the snow melted
Leh, the only option left was by way of air. A the next spring. They envisaged that if this did
landing strip was made hastily and in May 1948 happen then the whole of Ladakh would be cut
the first aircraft landed in Leh. I was present in off from the Kashmir valley and perhaps be
Leh at that historic event when the famous Air lost forever. This was a very scary thought and
Commodore Mehar Singh and Gen Thimaya unacceptable to the country.
landed. Soon reinforcements were flown in and The stage was set for a deciding battle. It must
the situation was retrieved in the nick of time. be put into perspective that by then the road
Ladakh was saved. from Kargil to Dras and onwards to the Zoji-La
top – known as the Gumri basin – was under
the effective control of the Pakistani forces. In
May 1948 the first organised force of the Indian
army, the Patiala regiment, was ordered to go
to Sonamarg, Baltal and Zoji-La. This regiment
was later to be the most highly decorated as
they took part in several important battles. In
mid-May one such battle pushed the enemy
from Gumri towards Dras. This established
two objectives – the effective control of the
path on Zoji-La and re-establishing the lines
SENIORS TODAY | Volume 1 | Issue 3
The author at Leh landing strip Sept 1948