Page 14 - Seniors Today - Vol1 Issue 3
P. 14

in London had asked the Defence Ministry in           Patiala, the Sikh troops celebrated it in a big
        Delhi to restrain Indian war correspondents           way. A day later the GOC arrived along with
        from reporting “cock-and-bull stories”. The           the press, and celebrations took place.  That
        world did not seem to believe that the Indian         night, Gen Thimaya was fiddling with his radio
        Army could operate tanks at those heights and         set and he picked up a conversation between a
        under those conditions! We continued to use           Pakistani Commander and one “Major Ishaq”
        “camouflaged jeeps” for tanks till liberation of      – perhaps a code name. Ishaq reported that he
        Kargil on 24th November: when the whole story         had come into Drass the previous night, enjoyed
        was published and it established the facts for all    celebrations with the Sikh troops, visited his
        time.                                                 hideout, collected all his papers and documents
         Unfortunately, the weather turned very poor          and returned safely to Mushko valley, under
        with snow and rain. Some saw this as a silver         cover of darkness. Gen Thimaya highly
        lining as it gave time to revise and go over plans    appreciated this daredevil feat of the Pakistani
        in a much more detailed way. Some of the earlier      officer.
        attempts were wasted due to hasty operations
        without proper planning, and more importantly
        adjustment of troops to the harsh weather and
        height. Finally on November 1, the orders were
        given to start the ascent to the main pass from
        Baltal. Eleven tanks were used for the first time
        ever on such difficult terrain, so much so that
        in the final stretch they were winched up. Led
        admirably by a young Capt Jamwal, the tanks
        finally reached the flatter grounds of the pass
        and Gumri Basin. The guns opened up and with
        the element of surprise and superior firepower
        in the favour of the 7th Cavalry, by mid-
        afternoon the enemy had abandoned their posts.         Zoji La watershed, Nov 4, 1948
        The tanks fired and completely destroyed the           One breakthrough after another eventually
        foxholes made by the enemy. Although the tanks        led to the liberation of Kargil, and the final
        were able to break through Zoji-La in one day         linkup with Leh garrison happened. In the
        (November 1) they got held up in the next week        Nubra valley too, the infiltrators were pushed
        at the two other places, Machoi and Matayan.          back. It is pertinent to point out that without
        Finally our troops were held up below the             the decisive and dramatic battle of Zoji-La, the
        Batkundi Ridge because of the enemy having            map of Kashmir would be without Kargil, most
        taken strong positions overlooking valley             of Ladakh, and who knows perhaps the Valley
        below. We were stuck there for almost one             itself. November 1948 must be remembered
        week. Surprise attacks around Anant Ridge and         as the month when India reclaimed a lot of
        Brown Hill were mounted by Indian troops.             lost ground and will surely be known for the
        Senior Generals of Indian forces spent the final      Battle of Zoji-La amongst many other important
        night with the troops under open skies, which         battles.The tank breakthrough of November
        boosted the troops’ courage and camaraderie.          1948 in Kashmir was an epoch-making event
        Then, on November 14 the tanks and the troops         and opened a new chapter in the military
        were able to push through to Drass (reportedly        history of the world. Never before had armoured
        the second coldest inhabited place in the             vehicles like tanks, armoured cars etc. operated
        world). Next day was Guru Nanak Dev’s birth           at such heights and in such trying climatic
        anniversary and as the Indian troops were             conditions.
        led by soldiers of the 1st Rajinder Infantry of        The tank manufacturers had never envisaged

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