Page 11 - Seniors Today
P. 11
responsible for the transfer of power from 16 India lost a tragic war
the Indian princely states to the Union of to China in 1962. Which
India? song did the Nightingale of
India sing to Prime Minister
10 hen did Independent India hold Nehru which brought tears
its first general election? Can you to his eyes? Who wrote the
remember the name of the first Election song?
17 How many Olympic gold medals has
11He is known as the Father of the India won in its national sport, Hockey?
Constitution of India and ensured that our Can you remember when we won the last
Fundamental Rights remain strong. He two?
also rejected the hegemony of caste and
oppression and converted to Buddhism. 18 What was the name of the freedom
Who is this guardian of our rights and fighter whose fast unto death ensured
equalities? statehood for Andhra Pradesh?
12 In 1953, the Lok Sabha rejected by 19 In which year was television
278 votes to 49 a motion that would not introduced to India, although only in New
have permitted India to take part in an Delhi?
international sporting event which has just
concluded. Can you name the organisation 20 The Peacock was
which holds these events? adopted as India’s
National Bird well after
13 After singer Noor Jahan Independence. Would you
opted to move to Pakistan, know which year this bird
which Indian singing was thus elevated?
sensation was crowned the
Nightingale of India in her 21 Can you name the first Indian woman
place? to be crowned Miss World and which year
it was?
14Two films made an indelible mark
on India and the world in 1957. Satyajit 22 Which Indian Prime Minister coined
Ray’s Aparajito won the Golden Lion at the the memorable and iconic phrase ‘Jai Jawan,
Venice Film Festival. And an emotional Jai Kisan’?
tribute to Indian womanhood, family values
and rural life won our hearts. Can you name 23 From being called a stooged and
the film? ‘goongi gudiya’, Indira
Gandhi took a bold step
15 Which Indian state was freed from in 1969 to establish her
colonial rule in 1961 and made part of India? supremacy over the
Can you name the rulers? Congress Party. What did
she do that year?