Page 8 - Seniors Today
P. 8

health infrastructure. A quality of life index     cheques. At the highest level, professionals
         survey revealed that we scored very poorly         will look at job opportunities, taxation,
         on key parameters of physical health,              and the quality of life, all three are equally
         psychological health, social relationships         important. The appeal of a higher standard
         and environment. Quality of life is an             of living, including better education and
         individual’s perception of their position in       health facilities for the family is a key
         life - in the context of the culture and value     driver for migration.
         systems in which they live. More than               According to a recent survey, as many
         half the respondents rate the availability         as 8000 high network individuals are
         of administrative government services              predicted to leave India in 2022. Strict
         online negatively. Our transportation,             tax rules and reporting requirements as
         infrastructure does not fare well either,          well as the need for a stronger passport
         neither does our health and well-being             are the key reasons for the migration.
         and that is because of the quality of the          Young entrepreneurs are exploring global
         environment and pollution.                         business and investment prospects, eager
          The fact is that expatriates who opt for          to diversify a portion of their wealth in
         taking an Indian posting get a hardship            countries that provide a majority of benefits
         allowance which is a significant portion of        and low tax rates. Challenges for wealthy
         their salaries. Most developed countries           Indians include stringent exchange control
         offer this incentive to their employees.           for remittances, and inflexible residency
         Countries that give hardship allowances            rules that result in penal taxation. For the
         are Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh,              wealthy, the ease of shifting to any part
         China, and Thailand…                               of the world is not a problem at all and
          Why do Indians want to leave India? Ask           that is why there is a steady migration of
         a taxi driver in Punjab or someone in a            Indian millionaires to places like Dubai and
         similar earning position, their aspiration         Singapore. Some of these countries have a
         is to migrate to Canada and the US and             high standard of living and a low physical
         invariably they have friends and relatives         residency requirement.
         who can help them get there. Get to a               Are we less patriotic today than we were
         slightly higher level, for a lot of the mid-       in 1947? The josh of independence in 1947
         level managers would like to migrate               was very different to what patriotism
         because of better working conditions,              means today. A lot of the millennial and
         more job opportunities, and higher pay             Gen Z kids probably may not know the
                                                            national anthem Jana gana mana by heart
                                                            and even less Vande Mataram. Most states
                                                            do not require schools to recite this at the
                                                            beginning of each day. Does it make this
                                                            generation less patriotic? I remember
                                                            growing up to songs like Mere desh ki
                                                            dharti, Isse desh ko rakhana mere bacchon
                                                            sambhal ke, Kar chale hum Fiza jaanu tan
                                                            saathiyon, and of course the forever heart-
                                                            tugging Aye mere vatan ke logon.

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