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he asked me again what was my surname              achieved independence. Over the last 75
         and I said Mahaar. We didn’t speak after           years, we have channeled our civilisational
         that till we reached Gare Du Nord, Paris.          strengths and cultural diversity into
         Then again they asked me where the clock           a future of achievement, progress and
         was because they were all had to assemble          prosperity. Leaving behind our neighbours,
         under the clock, I pointed it out to them          Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh by
         and walked away. All through the journey           not just yards but miles. Yet, we hand down
         they had Chivda, bhakarvadi, chakli…the            to the future generation all the divisions of
         strong smell of the food embarrassment             caste and creed. While it may be alright for
         wafted through the compartment. Indians            Rabindranath Tagore to want to wake up
         who were traveling also knew there was an          in that freedom where the head is held high
         Indian tourist on the train.                       and mind without fear, as long as we hold
                                                            on to these prejudices we can never be truly
                                                            free. Someone will use these social norms
                                                            as a guide to enslave us. True freedom will
                                                            be achieved when we do not fear each other,
                                                            but respect each one no matter where we
                                                            are in the social strata.
                                                             In the 1960s and ’70s I often visited
                                                            Jhansi, where my mother came from. It
                                                            was always an annual trip and sometimes
                                                            if there was a wedding in the family there
          India’s independence was won at a huge            would be two trips a year. In those days, it
         cost, the tragedy of Partition is unknown          was a done thing to visit your grandparents
         to the rest of India except Hindus and             in the holidays. The telephone system
         Muslims living on either sides of the              was run by operators, you picked up the
         border. Hundreds of thousands of Indians           receiver and an operator on the other side
         were killed. It was the greatest tragedy in        would ask number please. It was quite
         India’s history, probably a lot more people        possible that you would be recognised and
         died than in the holocaust. The Jews market        pleasantries exchanged, the operator would
         the tragedy of holocaust in such a way that        ask about my parents and would ask how
         for next hundred years no one will forget.         long would I be here, from here to being
         Unfortunately, in India we seem to have            able to do a video call to a remote place in
         already forgotten the pain of Partition.           Iceland is a great achievement for India.
         The Punjabis moved on and today very               Our telecom industry is amongst the best
         few young people would know about the              in the world, in the digital space, we are far
         horrors of the Partitions.                         ahead of many of the so-called developed
          Those who forget history are condemned            nations. Technology has changed the way
         to repeat it - George Santayana.  God forbid       we live and yet compared to others we are
         we have to go through a partition ever             at the bottom run.
         again.                                              Many international quality of life index
          August 15 is etched deep in our history           surveys place us in the bottom five. The
         and our collective memory as the day India         pandemic really exposed us to the weak

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