Page 6 - Seniors Today
P. 6

Cover Story - Essay




         Even as hate has gone mainstream, we have survived as a nation,
         writes Vickram Sethi

         “Freedom is not given, it is taken” is             all speaking in Marathi and I helped them
         famously said by Subhash Chandra                   get onto the compartment. Before you get
         Bose. As India celebrates 75 years of              to the compartment there’s a luggage rack
         independence, the question we need to ask          outside where large baggage’s are meant
         ourselves is: are we truly free? Freedom is        to be kept. I pointed out the rack to them
         commonly understood as the ability to do           and told them that they had to leave their
         things by one’s own free will. Even after 75       baggage here. To which one of them asked
         years, we still cling to the prejudices that       whether I would be responsible if someone
         the British exploited to divide us, ruled us       takes away their luggage. I said no, but
         for 200-odd years and then left us pitched         the ticket collector will ask you to keep
         against each other. We are even more               your bags here. The issue was settled and
         obsessed with caste, sub-caste, religion,          I showed them their seats and we settled
         gotra and every other divisive aspect of our       down. I speak Marathi quite fluently and it
         lives. And instead of taking lessons from          was an easy conversation. After sometime
         history for losing our freedom to the British,     one of them asked me my name, to which
         we still continue to fight amongst ourselves       I replied Vickram. That was not enough,
         based on all these divisive factors.               he wanted to know my surname. I politely
          I was traveling on the Eurostar from              told him Anna ka shala vicharta ye majha
         London to Paris, and there were a group            aad naav (brother why do you want to
         of Indians, Maharashtrians, that were also         know my surname?) He persisted and a
         on the same train. Now there is a certain          woman in the group politely told him leave
         method where you tug at the handle and the         it why are you so insistent in knowing
         door opens. There were three of them and           his surname. It became unpleasant but

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