Page 3 - Seniors Today - Oct 2019
P. 3
From The Publisher
Survive stroke, and go beyond
Everything you wanted to know about surviving thousand music lovers gather at one spot in
a stroke is in our cover story by Dr Anirudh Kohli 1969 was an immense phenomenon, an event of
from the Breach Candy Hospital. It is not just a immortal music. Prabhakar Mundkur writes
must-read for all senior citizens but an equally about the greats in advertising in the 70s. Deepa
important read for all family members just so Gahlot writes about Saat Hindustani, Amitabh
that they know what to do in that critical period. Bachchan’s first film. Daughter Laila pays tribute
Dr Darius Soonawalla writes about Posture. to her father, the late Feroz Khan. The song Laila
What causes back pain and the consequences of O Laila was a father’s gift to his daughter, with
having a bad posture. the movie Qurbani a hit and every song on top of
Gilgit and Baltistan, part of the princely state the charts.
of Jammu and Kashmir from 1846 to 1947, were Sonavi Desai answers questions on how to make
merely names on the map until trans-border a will. Whether a person can write their own will,
skirmishes made them well-known. In this issue, does it need to be registered and have to be on
we have the concluding article on Kashmir, with stamp paper, and the role of executors.
details which do not even appear in history books. Maldives is Mother Nature’s jewel in the Indian
The British annexed the entire Gilgit region from Ocean. This is an account of my stay in the
Maharaja Hari Singh in 1935 and deliberately Jumeriah Vetavalli – a beautiful hotel, turquoise
deprived India of this territory. Thanks to the late blue water, luxurious rooms, and impeccable
Sati Sahni who kept such meticulous records that service. A posh place with unfortunately not-
we have this piece of history. so-great food. Also Sonakshi Sinha talking
A kothi in Daryaganj is about human greed. really loud in the dining room – this is the one
How three sisters coerced their father into selling time I wanted to say “Khaamosh”. On the return
their family property in Daryaganj without the flight, we had a group of Indians who insisted
knowledge and consent of their only brother. The on distributing food among themselves, with
fate of the father once the property was sold and the odour of bhakarwadi, chakli and chivda
the money distributed was like that of an orphan overpowering the cabin... but that’s us Indians.
dog whom nobody wants to keep. And to add This is the month of Diwali and calorie-counting
insult to injury the brother was informed at the is essential for all seniors. But celebrate we must.
Nigambodh Ghat (crematorium in Delhi), after Happy Diwali!
he had performed the cremation rituals, that the
house was sold. Best wishes,
India is indeed fortunate to have a planet named
after Pandit Jasraj, a doyen of Indian classical
music. What a fitting tribute. This is also the
fiftieth year of Woodstock, one musical event that Vickram Sethi
the world got up to hear. To have four hundred Publisher and Editor-in-Chief
SENIORS TODAY | Volume 1 | Issue 4