Page 6 - Seniors Today - Oct 2019
P. 6


           Dr Anirudh Kohli  studied                                            Dr Darius Soonawalla is a
           at Grant Medical College,                                            senior consultant orthopaedic
           Mumbai,     and    is   Chief                                        surgeon in South Mumbai,
           Radiologist at the Breach                                            attached to Breach Candy, HN
           Candy      Hospital    Trust,
           Mumbai. He is an avid                                                Reliance, Saifee  and Jaslok
           photographer and  trekker,                                           hospitals. His areas of interest
           and a keen traveller.                                                are joint replacement and
                                                                                complex trauma.

                                             Sat Paul (Sati) Sahni (1922-
                                             2010), participated in the
                                             Indian freedom struggle and
                                             later became one of  the few
                                             multimedia journalists of his
                                             generation.  An  experienced
                                             war     correspondent,    he
                                             covered all the four major
                                             wars India was involved in,
                                             and wrote many books.

            Narendra Kusnur is one of                                           Prabhakar Mundkur is an
            India’s best known music                                            advertising veteran, a lateral
            journalists. Born with a musi-                                      thinker, storyteller and musi-
            cal spoon, so to speak, Naren,                                      cian. A coffee aficionado, hus-
            who dubs himself Kaansen, is                                        band and a father of two, he
                                                                                also describes himself as dogs’
            a late bloomer in music criti-                                      best friend.
            cism. He was (is!) an aficiona-
            do first, and then strayed into
            writing on music. But in the
            last two decades, he has made
            up for most of what he didn’t
            do earlier.

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