Page 8 - Seniors Today - Oct 2019
P. 8

Cover Story

        Life after a Stroke

        If detected and acted upon on fast enough,
        a stroke patient can get back to a normal life,
        writes Dr Anirudh Kohli

        Eighty-five-year-old Dr Susil Chandra Munshi          Upon investigation on how he got a stroke, it
        is one of India’s best known cardiologists. He        was discovered that he had a hole in his heart!
        is a practising interventional cardiologist at        “An embolus had crept up to into my brain
        Mumbai’s Jaslok and Breach Candy Hospitals.           arteries, causing a critical blockage. This hole in
        Dr Munshi has been President of the Indian            the heart was from birth, but played up then. I
        Cardiology Society and was awarded the                got operated on by Dr Sudhansu Bhattacharya
        Padma Shri by the Government of India for his         to close the hole in the heart and am absolutely
        contribution to the field of medicine, specifically   fine now.”
         Ten years ago, he started to slur one evening.       What is a Stroke?
        His speech became garbled and he just couldn’t        A stroke occurs when blood supply to a part
        speak. He also lost consciousness momentarily.        of your brain gets reduced or interrupted thus
        His daughter rushed him to the Breach Candy           depriving the brain of oxygen and essential
        Hospital. On arriving at the emergency medical        nutrients. Within minutes, brain cells begin
        services department, the doctors found that           to die. That’s why a stroke is an emergency.
        his right arm and leg had zero power. He had          The good news is strokes can be treated and
        had a full-blown stroke. A CT scan was done           prevented. Prompt treatment is crucial as early
        immediately and that ruled out a haemorrhage,
        indicating an ischemic stroke. In view of this,
        he was given a clot-busting drug intravenously
        r-tPA. Within a short time, power returned to
        his arm and leg as well as his speech got better.
        “There was some brain swelling because of
        the stroke and I was a bit drowsy for two days
        but by Day 3, I had recovered fully,” he recalls.     Fatty plaque narrowing artery to brain

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