Page 7 - Seniors Today - Oct 2019
P. 7

Indrayani Pawar is Chief
            Dietitian at Hinduja Hospital                                        Deepak     Gagrani     is   a
            in Khar, Mumbai.
                                                                                 Chartered   Accountant    by
                                                                                 qualification and has set
                                                                                 up Money Mint Mantras
                                                                                 Solutions, a niche financial
                                                                                 services firm.

                                              Sonavi Kher Desai  is a
                                              Mumbai-based       publisher,
                                              writer and editor and is the
                                              founder-proprietor  of  Indus
                                              Source Books. She is author of
                                              Spiritual Masters: Sai Baba.

            YR Anand  is  a Partner of                                         Deepa Gahlot is one of India’s
            Unimark, an international                                          seniormost and best-known
            sales and service company                                          entertainment journalists. A
            based in Mumbai and                                                National Award-winning fim
            Bengaluru. He is a keen                                            critic and author of several
            sportsman and music lover.                                         books  on  film  and  theatre,
                                                                               she  has  had  an  extremely
                                                                               successful run as head of
                                                                               theatre and film at the National
                                                                               Centre for Performing Arts,
                                                                               Mumbai,     during     which
                                                                               she helped nurture several
                                                                               original productions.

                                                                                   SENIORS TODAY | Volume 1 | Issue 4
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