Page 16 - Seniors Today Dec 2019
P. 16

The 220-feet triple single Bailey bridge at Jhingergacha
        The Gnat pilots were Flt Lts Roy Andrew               Mehdi Qureshi (who subsequently became
        Massey and Ganapathy, and Flg Officer                 the Chief of Air Staff of the Pakistan Air
        Don Lazarus, who won the air force’s first            force in 1999 during the Kargil conflict), and
        VrCs and that too for action over our gun             Flg Officer Khalil Ahmed. Both the Paki-
        area and the corps zone on our infantry               stani pilots asked us not to hand them over
        brigade, in whose direct support was my               to the Mukti Bahini, which we agreed to.
        artillery regiment. Flg Officer Soares was            Both became PoWs, and were well treated
        the other pilot in action.                            by us as per the Geneva Conventions. In our
        The two Pakistani pilots ejected, and their           regiment vehicle we sent them to the Infan-
        parachutes landed over the 4 Sikh battal-             try Division HQs. Most of our coursemates
        ion of the infantry brigade that we were in           there had witnessed this in some way or the
        direct support to. Capt HS Panag (ACA 33rd            other, but I had experienced a great event.
        NDA –Kilo Squadron, later Lt Gen Army                 Most interestingly, in October 2017, through
        Commander), who was the adjutant of that              my Shivaji Military School Junior colleague
        battalion, initially apprehended them and             Rajeev Ketkar, another IAF fighter pilot,
        then sent them to our artillery regiment              I managed to connect with Gp Capt Don
        which was behind, echeloned on a flank.               Lazarus, (who had shot down Pervaiz Me-
        I was the nearest battery to the regiment             hdi), Gp Capt Soares, Gp Capt Bagchi, the
        command post, and was summoned by the                 Flight Controller (who had ordered the
        2IC Maj Basudev Krishna (9th NDA course               Gnats to scramble that afternoon on 22 No-
        ACC, and Gold Medal Winner of that                    vember 1971) and Flt Lt Sharad Savur, our
        course), and Capt Jay Sapatnekar Adjutant,            Forward Air Controller (FAC) with our In-
        to reach the command post with Lt Gabriel             fantry Brigade (later retired as Air Marshal
        Pereira, my neighbouring Gun Position Of-             – AOC-in-C, Southern Air Command).
        ficer, to manage the two apprehended pilots           We were able to invite Don Lazarus, Soares
        and blindfold them. We did that as ordered.           and Sharad Savur to the Rajendra Sinhji
                                                              Army Mess & Institute (RSAMI) at Pune
        Prisoners of war                                      for lunch, and give them a vote of thanks
        The Pakistani pilots were Flt Lt Pervaiz              for what they had done for the Ground
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