Page 19 - Seniors Today Dec 2019
P. 19


           Don’t sign away

           your safety

                                                              Older people must be careful not to sign away their prop-
           Seniors can be an easy target for                  erty during their lifetime
           abuse if they don’t have control over
           their property,
           writes Sonavi Kher Desai

        According to HelpAge India, more than fifty           probate cannot be granted without the Will.
        percent of the cases related to abuse of senior
        citizens are property related. The pressure on        Factors for abuse
        the elderly, usually parents or close relatives,      Just as seniors can be victims of property-
        ranges from dividing the property to selling it to    related abuse due to proximity to the abuser,
        writing it off in the name(s) of children during      another factor due to which they can be abused
        the lifetime of the parents, rendering them           is living alone and in isolation. Nowadays many
        vulnerable to ill-treatment.                          elders live alone, with children living abroad or
         Lawyers advise that it is not a good idea to sign    separately, and hence they become easy targets
        over property to others during one’s lifetime.        for unscrupulous people. Seniors sometimes
        In fact, although it is advised that one should       rent out part of their homes to earn some income
        make a Will, it is not a good practice to share       and find that the tenant then refuses to vacate
        your Will with children or relatives during your      the house and abuses them. In such situations
        lifetime. Make a Will and keep it in safe custody     the elderly live in fear and are helpless in taking
        either with your lawyer or in some secure place,      action. They fear reprisals and therefore fail to
        and do not reveal the contents to anyone. Also,       approach the police.
        never keep the Will in a bank safe deposit locker      The legal recourse for seniors who are
        because the locker can be accessed only after         abused is to approach the Tribunal under the
        a probate of the Will has been obtained, and a        Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior

        19                                                                         SENIORS TODAY | Volume 1 | Issue 6
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